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A Chronological and Political Analysis of Han Yu’s “In Praise of Zi Chan’s Preserving Local Schools”
作者 方介
There have been various theories on when and why Han Yu wrote ”In Praise of Zi Chan's Preserving Local Schools.” This paper attempts to answer these questions by examining historical records, Han Yu's poems, and the social and political background of his time. The reign of Emperor De of the Tang dynasty was known for ”turning a deaf ear to the ills of the times,” ”dictatorial rule,” and ”indifference to problems of the people.” This and other facts suggest the date of authorship to be between the year Zhenyuan eleven (A.D. 795) and Zhenyuan 20 (A.D. 804), with the most likely time being the winter of Zhenyuan 15 (A.D. 799) or slightly thereafter. Not long before then, the students of the Imperial College beseeched the emperor to retain the wise Yang Cheng as prime minister. It was also then that Han Yu went to the capital to convey New Year felicities on behalf of the governor of Xuzhou. He witnessed the government's high-handed suppression of public opinion and felt deeply saddened that the emperor not only failed to listen to the vox populi, but also failed to retain Yang Cheng. This is most likely why he praised the wise ruler during the Chun-Qiu Period, Zi Chan, as ”a model leader.” He mentions Zi Chan's preserving local schools and respecting elders (both being sources of public opinion), inviting advice, and the evil King Li's censorship of public opinion in the Zhou dynasty. It is clear that he wrote in order to urge Emperor De to reverse his policy. Han Yu's purpose was definitely more than the promotion of education. He also meant to admonish the emperor, satirize the succeeding prime minister, venerate the former one, and maybe even commemorate Lu Zhi.
起訖頁 63-82
關鍵詞 子產陸贄陽城輿論太學Zi ChanLu ZhiYang Chengpublic opinionImperial College
刊名 臺大文史哲學報  
期數 200711 (67期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 「物色」:一個彰顯中國抒情傳統發展的理論概念
該期刊-下一篇 漢語方言本字考證與古漢語聯綿詞




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