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Ecological Utopia: A Study of Three Literary Utopias in the 1970s
作者 張惠娟
生態議題是當代備受關懷的議題,也是諸多烏托邦作品著力甚深的課題。本文探討三本七○年代攸關生態議題的烏托邦小說:一九七五年克倫巴(Ernest Callenbach)的《生態烏托邦》(Ecotopia)、一九七六年皮兒西(Marge Piercy)的《時間邊際的女子》(Woman on the Edge of Time),以及一九七九年吉兒哈特(Sally Miller Gearhart)的《流浪地》(The Wanderground),以剖析生態烏托邦的關懷、策略與盲點,並比較三本作品間立場和觀點的歧異。相較於長久以來經典烏托邦所強調的「人定勝天」與「豐饒理想」,七○年代生態烏托邦轉而鋪陳人與自然和諧共處的重要性,並呈現對於生態浩劫/自然/科技/人類定位等議題的多元思考。克倫巴的《生態烏托邦》為白種/中產階級男性生態運動的縮影,探究層面廣泛,舉凡社會架構/城鄉發展/政治組織/工業/科技/醫藥等議題皆有涉獵。皮兒西的《時間邊際的女子》與吉兒哈特的《流浪地》則彰顯生態議題與女性主義觀點的互動,強調「壓迫自然」與「壓迫女性」二大主軸的緊密關連。但皮兒西與吉兒哈特間亦有甚大歧異。吉兒哈特的《流浪地》是一分離式的女性烏托邦,試圖建構一女性與自然親密對話的另類空間,以顛覆父權架構。皮兒西則認為此等劃地自限的女性空間可能蹈入「本質主義」(essentialism)的泥沼,其《時間邊際的女子》所勾勒的是一個兩性平等、階級泯滅與族群多元的烏托邦,鋪陳性別/族群/階級流動的可能性,以及性別/族群/階級議題和生態議題的互動。
Ecological utopia is a subgenre in the sphere of utopian literature. Its study demonstrates a new and significant dimension in utopian scholarship. The three 1970s ecological utopias under scrutiny─Ernest Callenbach’s Ecotopia (1975), Marge Piercy’s Woman on the Edge of Time (1976), and Sally Miller Gearhart’s The Wanderground (1979)─share the insight of ecological critics who are centrally concerned with corporate and technological exploitation of nature and the ensuing environmental degradation and extinction of species. These utopian texts swerve from the ideal of affluence and anthropocentric assumptions and turn to embrace an alternative vision, emphasizing the interconnectedness among humans and nature and the balance between economic pursuit and ecological concern. Nevertheless, in terms of their gender / class / racial politics, some ecological utopias tend to ignore or erase cultural inscriptions. Ecotopia expresses the 1970s environmental concern as filtered through the lens of a white patriarchy. The Wanderground endorses biological essentialism, envisioning a narrow, biological linkage between women and nature and celebrating ‘women’ at the expense of their intrinsic differences in terms of race and class. Woman on the Edge of Time, on the other hand, is unique in its problematization of the celebration of women per se and its understanding of the interconnectedness of gender / race / class / ecology. Against the myth of white / patriarchal / middle-class environmentalism, the work demonstrates how environmental justice may involve considerations along the axes of gender / race / class. 生態議題是當代備受關懷的議題,也是諸多烏托邦作品著力甚深的課題。本文探討三本七○年代攸關生態議題的烏托邦小說:一九七五年克倫巴(Ernest Callenbach)的《生態烏托邦》(Ecotopia)、一九七六年皮兒西(Marge Piercy)的《時間邊際的女子》(Woman on the Edge of Time),以及一九七九年吉兒哈特(Sally Miller Gearhart)的《流浪地》(The Wanderground),以剖析生態烏托邦的關懷、策略與盲點,並比較三本作品間立場和觀點的歧異。相較於長久以來經典烏托邦所強調的「人定勝天」與「豐饒理想」,七○年代生態烏托邦轉而鋪陳人與自然和諧共處的重要性,並呈現對於生態浩劫/自然/科技/人類定位等議題的多元思考。克倫巴的《生態烏托邦》為白種/中產階級男性生態運動的縮影,探究層面廣泛,舉凡社會架構/城鄉發展/政治組織/工業/科技/醫藥等議題皆有涉獵。皮兒西的《時間邊際的女子》與吉兒哈特的《流浪地》則彰顯生態議題與女性主義觀點的互動,強調「壓迫自然」與「壓迫女性」二大主軸的緊密關連。但皮兒西與吉兒哈特間亦有甚大歧異。吉兒哈特的《流浪地》是一分離式的女性烏托邦,試圖建構一女性與自然親密對話的另類空間,以顛覆父權架構。皮兒西則認為此等劃地自限的女性空間可能蹈入「本質主義」(essentialism)的泥沼,其《時間邊際的女子》所勾勒的是一個兩性平等、階級泯滅與族群多元的烏托邦,鋪陳性別/族群/階級流動的可能性,以及性別/族群/階級議題和生態議題的互動。
起訖頁 251-269
關鍵詞 生態烏托邦生態論述ecological utopiaecological discourse
刊名 臺大文史哲學報  
期數 200511 (63期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 生活世界、肉身與藝術――梅落龐蒂(Maurice Merleau-Ponty)、華登菲(Bernhard Waldenfels)與當代現象學
該期刊-下一篇 Between Apocalyptic Violence and Cosmopolitan Spriit(s): Wanging Justice War in Leslie Marmon Silko's Almanac of the Dead




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