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The Poetics of Carnival in The Dream of the Red Chamber: A Study on Granny Liu
作者 歐麗娟
This article analyzes the role of Granny Liu in The Dream of the Red Chamber: as a mature-type old woman, she incarnates the spirit of carnival. I utilize Bakhtin’s poetics of carnival to explore the structural meanings of the episode of Granny Liu’ trip to Prospect Garden. First, through Granny Liu’s trip, an extraordinary festival space is built for the women and girls who live in the inner quarters of the Jia’s Family. Second, by playing a cheerful clown, Granny Liu creates an atmosphere of collective, public-square carnival. Third, Granny Liu emphasizes the material aspect and the lower part of body, bringing them to focus and center. Fourth, the words play in jiou-ling (酒令) games act as parody of the authority discourse. And with Granny Liu’s vernacular and vulgar colloquialism, a scene appears where art-language is confronted and deconstructed by life-language. Fifth, this episode is full of unpleasing or even dirty visions of grotesque animal figures and excrement. All these anti-sublime forces are against the idealized spiritual orientation of Prospect Garden, arousing Lin Dai-Yu’s abjection. Besides the contrasts and disturbances brought forth by Granny Liu, there is energetic and real force embodied in the spirit of carnival. It is exemplified in Granny Liu’s name-giving and saving of Ch’iao-jie, an episode of Sumpfzeugung(污泥生殖).
起訖頁 71-104
關鍵詞 紅樓夢劉姥姥大觀園巴赫汀狂歡詩學怪誕形象斥棄心理the Dream of the Red ChamberGranny LiuProspect GardenMikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtinthe poetics of carnivalgrotesque figuresabjection
刊名 臺大文史哲學報  
期數 200511 (63期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 寄寓、歸守與出離――寓山三賦對主人與園林關係的思索
該期刊-下一篇 進出神仙島,想像烏托邦――論旅生《癡人說夢記》的空間想像




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