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The Advertising Creative Effect and Viewer's Cognition Need to WWF Ads
作者 方菁容衛萬里
世界自然基金會(WWF )被全球公認為最具有影響力的環境保育團體,以其為名所設計製作的廣告或海報,於畫面的構成與表現上,則多以創意圖像為主。然而,視覺創意的傳遞是否能真正地誘導觀者的認知需求且引起注目,進而達到喚醒人們關懷地球的目的,並獲得最佳的溝通效果,實須設計研究者作進一步地探究。本研究針對年輕族群對「廣告創意品質」和「認知需求程度」進行問卷調查,藉由迴歸分析、二因子變異分析以及獨立樣本t 驗證研究假設,且檢定兩變數對廣告效果的影響。研究結果顯示:WWF 廣告創意表現的品質對廣告效果會造成直接地影響,高品質創意表現的WWF 廣告對於廣告知曉、廣告學習、接受或拒絕廣告主張、廣告喜好以及廣告意圖產生良好的溝通效果;反之,低品質創意表現的WWF 廣告作品,則較無法獲得觀者的共鳴。再者,對於觀者認知需求程度而言,WWF 創意廣告乃屬公益性質,而公益廣告的目的實為喚起人們對社會問題的關懷、促進公共利益,且付諸行動得以解決問題,而這些議題著實地與人們日常生活是息息相關的。因此,對年輕族群而言,個人的認知需求差異是不會對廣告的創意表現或廣告效果造成影響,且廣告創意與認知需求兩者間亦不具交互作用(相互影響)。
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is now recognized as the most influential environmental conservation groups in the world. Most picture compositions and presentation skills of WWF's ads and posters are primarily designed by means of creative images. Nevertheless, it is crucial whether the transfer mechanism of visual creativity could induce viewer's need for cognition and attention. Therefore, further exploration on awaking people to care about the Earth and get the best communication effect are really worthy for design researchers. In this study, the questionnaire survey for the young is implemented to know their perspectives of 'quality of advertising creativity 'and' the degree of need for cognition'. Then, the regression analysis, two-way ANOVA and t test are manipulated to investigate the impact of advertising effects,. The results show that the creativity quality of WWF ads will affect directly the advertising effect: high-quality advertising creativity brings into good communication on advertising awareness, advertising learning, acceptance or denial on the advertising proposition, advertising preference, and advertising intention. Conversely, the viewers can't agglomerate consensus on this issue with low-quality advertising creativity. Furthermore, in terms of the degree of viewer's need for cognition, WWF creative advertising is for the public. The purpose of public service ads is to evoke the care on social issues, promote the public interest, and act on solving the problems which are severely related to people's daily life. Therefore, for the young, these individual differences among the need for cognitive will not affect creative expression in advertising and other advertising effects. Simultaneously, there is no interaction between advertising creativity and need for cognition.
起訖頁 71-91
關鍵詞 廣告創意認知需求WWF世界自然基金會廣告效果Advertising creativityNeed for cognitionWorld Wide Fund for NatureWWFAdvertising effect
刊名 設計學報  
期數 201306 (18:2期)
出版單位 中華民國設計學會
該期刊-上一篇 以虛擬化身為媒介之多模式3D商品互動展示對使用者認知影響之研究




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