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The Influence and Problems of Scenario Design Approach on Multi-disciplinary Collaboration Design
作者 唐玄輝林穎謙
For increasing global competition, multidisciplinary collaboration has replaced individuals in design projects. A multidisciplinary team has many advantages that a homogeneous team does not possess, but there are also problems from the heterogeneous collaboration. This study utilized Scenario Design Approach, featuring user-center concepts and visual communication, in a multidisciplinary collaborative design course. We intended to understand the problems in multidisciplinary collaborative design courses and influences of Scenario Design Approach on resolving these problems. By questionnaires and interviews, we found the problems in a multi-disciplinary team, including communicative difficulties caused by heterogeneous backgrounds, team compositions, leadership and consensus, and conceptual evaluation. However, Scenario Design Approach can be the media to facilitate the communication in a multi-disciplinary design team and to help students with engineering background to get involved in the design process smoothly. The vital part of using Scenario Design Approach is to obtain precious user definitions from realistic observations. The cons and pros of using Scenario Design Approach and multidisciplinary collaboration could be implemented in design research and education to improve the design quality.
起訖頁 21-44
關鍵詞 跨領域合作團隊運作溝通情境故事法使用者Multidisciplinary collaborationTeam workCommunicationScenario design approachUsers合作設計設計教育
刊名 設計學報  
期數 201109 (16:3期)
出版單位 中華民國設計學會
該期刊-上一篇 環境媒體與被置入者的情感互動研究
該期刊-下一篇 魔術方塊之悅趣化空間感知設計研究




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