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Market Positioning of Websites-The Case of Music Website Homepage
作者 張建成 (Jason Chien-Chen Chang)楊厚嘉
年來,檔案分享的相關技術已隨同網路經濟的發展腳步而不斷提升。當上網率超過50%時,代表使用網路開始從「少數人行為」轉為「多數人行為」的主流地位。伴隨而來的是數位化影音多媒體消費型態的大幅改變,提供音樂和其相關影音資訊的網站普及率和瀏覽人口亦大幅成長。在一切講求速度和效率的現代社會中,網頁的設計風格與要素是否具有立即性的吸引力將是能讓瀏覽使用者受到吸引而停留下來的重要因素。 為探討音樂網站的設計風格定位,本研究首先利用語意差異分析調查及集群分析,篩選出17個代表性音樂網站及9項適合表達音樂網站風格的形容詞語彙,作為網站風格實驗及設計參考。測試所得的資料以數量化Ⅰ類、因素分析及集群分析加以綜合歸納分析,探討領先族群的網站設計風格及市場定位。主要結論為(1)音樂網站首頁風格的呈現主要可以分成「結構性因子」與「評價性因子」兩個因素向度。對音樂網頁型態而言,使用者較偏好評價性程度較高的網站風格,其風格特色依序為活潑、流行、絢麗、精緻、創意及豐富感。這些音樂網站的共同性風格特色為在首頁內容有影像或影音播放視窗,顯示在音樂網站上有影音播放視窗是一項重要指標。(2)整體內容編排及亮眼的配色,為「結構性因子」領先群網頁的利基點,在配色上有較高的評價。(3)「評價性因子」領先群網站特色在於網頁內容分割為多個單元、有影音播放視窗及自由豐富的選單編排,成為市場上具有競爭力的網站。
In recent years, the rapid development of file-sharing technique has greatly changed the consumption style of digital multimedia products. Under this trend, Internet users, especially the young generation, has become the main-stream consumers of these products. The consumption style of digital multimedia products has also undergone radical changes, while websites offering music or other audio-visual information have gained wide popularity. In modern society with great emphasis on speed and efficiency, the success of a website depends largely on whether its style and design elements can draw instant attention and encourage browsers to stay. In this study, semantic differential (SD) experiment and cluster analysis were conducted on music websites and image descriptions. The 17 representative music websites and 9 image descriptions thus obtained were further analyzed by Q-type I analysis, principal component analysis, and hierarchical cluster analysis to explore the features of leading music websites and their market positioning patterns. Our results reveal the following. (1) Presentation style of music websites is influenced by both structural and evaluative factors. Consumers tend to prefer music websites with homepages featuring 'lively,' 'fashionable,' 'brilliant,' 'delicate,' 'creative,' and 'splendid' images. Such music websites share a common characteristic of having animation, video images, or music shown on their homepage, indicating that audio and visual display is an important index of user preferences. (2) Websites with attractive layout and bright color design are also more preferred. (3) Leading music websites feature multiple window design, audio-visual display windows, and a wide variety of menus. The above-mentioned features enable a music website to gain competitive edge in the market.
起訖頁 81-97
關鍵詞 型態分析音樂網站語意差異分析法市場定位Morphological analysisWebsite styleSemantic differential methodSDMarket positioning
刊名 設計學報  
期數 200609 (11:3期)
出版單位 中華民國設計學會
該期刊-上一篇 高齡使用者產品設計之探討
該期刊-下一篇 「設計風格」形成因素之研究




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