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The Comparison of Legibility of Logo Typography between Chinese and English Characters Effected by Arched Surface over the Cylindrical Packages
作者 王韋堯周穆謙
Since logo typography on the packaging played a major role in transmitting product information to the targeted consumers, designers should pay special attention to the visible outcome of the lettering design on the packaging. An emphasis on designed type of logo, direction arrangement of logo characters, and the influence of arched surface of package will be discussed. The experiment involves an observation of the connection between Chinese and English logo typography while the arched surface of the product package, influencing on visible effect outcome. The findings from this study are as follows: 1. Although Chinese and English characters differ in form, they both follow the same criteria when it comes to achieving optimal outcome in legibility. 2. In the case of the Chinese logo typography, the degree of arc on the surface of a tubular package may affect the legibility of the characters. The arched surface with arc degree of ratio between (2:5) to (4:5) could have the significantly worst feedback. A greater degree of arc of the surface lead to a decrease in the speed of visible reaction. For the comparison of legibility of Chinese logo typography with English, there is however significant effect in a smaller arc of the arched surface in the case of the English logo typography. The arched surface with arc degree of ratio between (2:5) to (3:5) could have the significantly worst feedback regarding to English words recognition. 3. When dealing with a small degree of arched surfaced on tubular packaging, application of flat and square-looked characters are more favorable than lengthened characters both in Chinese and English. However, lengthened characters are more favorable when implemented on a greater degree of arched surface, which a vertical layout can avoid the fact of distorted characters caused by the suppression from the right and left side. Due to the nature of the English character, a vertical layout is not recommended.
起訖頁 13-29
關鍵詞 圓柱包裝標準字視認性弧面曲度cylindrical packageslogo typographylegibilityarched surface
刊名 設計學報  
期數 200212 (7:3期)
出版單位 中華民國設計學會
該期刊-上一篇 經緯儀使用性之研究
該期刊-下一篇 漢風色典濃度在知覺色空間之關係研究




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