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ISO 9000 系列品保制度對設計部門之影響
The Impact of ISO 9000 Quality Assurance Series to Design Sectors in Corporate
作者 陳國祥陳偉誠
對以外銷為命脈的台灣企業而言,通過ISO 9000 系列品保制度認證已被業者視同取得進入歐洲共同體與爭取國際訂單的必要通行證。基於此,台灣已於1990 年3 月由商檢局引進ISO 9000;再加上台灣正逄產業升級之際,產品的設計與研發在台灣產業中勢必日益扮演重要的角色。綜上所述,ISO 對設計研發的可能影響,以及肩負設計研發任務的企業設計單位應如何因應ISO 之發展趨勢並參與推行,正是本研究的重點所在。本研究以三階段漸次地歸納出企業設計部門參與ISO 9000 系列品保制度之推行模式:(一)分析現行政府因應策略、企業的推動措施、ISO 9001 的設計管制,以及ISO 與設計之關係;(二)經由個案研究之實地訪談,萃取出設計部門在企業推動ISO 9000 時的參與廣度與深度。(三)透過問卷調查之驗證,建構出企業設計部門參與推行ISO 9000 系列的模式。本研究以通過ISO 9001之企業設計單位為研究對象。研究發現歸納如下:(1)設計部門在推行ISO 9000 系列時所面臨的主要問題包括:文件的官方解讀及其偽之鑑定與其他單位的配合;(2)落實ISO 9000 系列對設計部門的主要益處包括:設計活動流程之標準化,文件資料可靠之繼承性、可追溯性、及完整性,周全之設計思考,及穩定之設計品質;(3)設計部門參與推行ISO 9000 系列所經歷的負面經驗包括:設計工作受到延誤,行政官僚充斥,繁瑣的文件編制工作被設計師排斥;(4)設計部門參與推行ISO 9000 系列的最大貢獻在於協助企業制訂與編製設計之標準流程,而這正符合ISO 的一貫精神:標準化一切。
As the global trade competition becomes more and more intense, certified ISO 9000 series is considered as key pass into European Community as well as competitive weapon for winning international orders for Taiwan's businesses. Meanwhile, as Taiwan tries to upgrade industries' competence, design and R&D will inevitably play a more and more important roll in a business. Therefore, how corporate design sectors get involved in carrying out ISO quality assurance series, and how ISO affects design and R&D are worth investigating. And hence, the purpose of this study is set to identify the appropriate rolls design sectors should play and to maximize the value they can contribute to the businesses during carrying out the ISO series. The study comprises three phases. First, it analyzes current government strategies, business policies, interactions between design sector and other business sectors and the relationships between design and ISO series. Secondly, it investigates, via case studies, the breadth and depth of design sector's participating in carrying out ISO 9000 quality assurance series. Thirdly, it verifies the findings, via questionnaires, to further put together a list of guidelines for design sectors to follow. The results summarized from this study exhibit below: (1) The major problems design sectors facing in carrying out ISO 9000 series include: the official interpretation and authentication of documents, and personnel's coordination required; (2) The benefits design sectors gained while carrying out ISO 9000 series include: standardization of design activity flow, reliable inheritance, ease of trace back, completeness of documents, thorough design thinking, and constant design quality; (3) The pains and disadvantages design sectors experienced while carrying out ISO 9000 series include: design work delayed, bureaucracy accumulated, and cumbersome standards rejected by designers; (4) The most significant contribution design sectors made in carrying out ISO 9000 series is the conclusion of design standards and process flow, which conforms to ISO spirits.
起訖頁 99-113
關鍵詞 設計與研發設計部門ISO 9000R&DDesign Sector
刊名 設計學報  
期數 199912 (4:2期)
出版單位 中華民國設計學會
該期刊-上一篇 產品設計評價模式研究——側重不同專業角度之設計評價決策——




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