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Prevalence and Risk Factors of Hypercholesterolemia in Shengang Township, Changhua, Taiwan: A Community-Based Study
作者 陳妙汝張慧如翁千惠 (Chien-Hui Weng)陳建華湯惟婷黃勝敏
心臟血管疾病(cardiovascular disease)為非傳染性慢性病中最重要的疾病。血中總膽固醇過高是造成心臟血管疾病的主要危險因素。國內有關高膽固醇血症盛行率的報告多數來自醫院針對中高年齡層的健康檢查資料,對於社區中廣泛年齡層的高膽固醇流行病學研究相對較少。本研究以彰化縣伸港鄉18歲以上居民為對象,進行隨機採樣,以了解臺灣本土高膽固醇血症的社區流行概況及其相關因素。結果共3,072人完成全部檢驗項目。居民高膽固醇血症整體盛行率為11.4 %;其中男性為10.3%,女性為12.4%,無性別差異存在(P>0.05)。若以年齡45歲為分界,則18 ~44歲居民高膽固醇血症盛行率為6.6 %;男性8.4%,女性4.9%,男性盛行率高於女性(P = 0.006);而45歲以上居民高膽固醇血症盛行率為16.1%;男性12.2%,女性為19.5%,女性明顯高於男性(P<0.0001)。以logistic迴歸分析,整體而言,與高膽固醇血症有意義的相關因素為性別、年齡、身體質量數及三酸甘油脂;而血醣及尿酸與高膽固醇血症則無顯著的相關性。若就兩性分別觀察,發現身體質量數明顯與男性高膽固醇血症有關,於女性,卻不具意義;而年齡對高膽固醇血症的影響,在女性明顯高於男性。許多國家已透過民間團體的推行,或政府訂定政策主導,有效地降低其國人的血中膽固醇值或心臟血管疾病的發生率。本研究報告提供伸港鄉居民高膽固醇血症的盛行概況,期望能做為國內防治高膽固醇及心臟血管疾病的參考依據。
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the most important non-communicable chronic diseases in developed and developing countries. One of the established major risk factors of CVD is elevated serum total cholesterol. Prevalence of hypercholesterolemia in Taiwan has been mostly described by hospital-based studies based on health check-up data of middle-aged adults. Community-based investigation regarding hypercholesterolemia among population of a wide age range is relatively lacking. In this study, residents over 18 years of age in Shengang Township were randomly enrolled and various blood biomarkers checked to explore the prevalence and related factors of hypercholesterolemia. A total of 3,072 residents were enrolled. The overall prevalence of hypercholesterolemia was 11.4%, without gender difference (10.3% in men and 12.4% in women; P>0.05). The prevalence of hypercholesterolemia among 18~44 years-old residents was 6.6%, with 8.4% in men and 4.9% in women (P=0.006), respectively. Among the residents aged over 45, women had significantly higher prevalence of hypercholesterolemia than men (16.1% overall, with12.2% in men vs. 19.5% in women; P<0.0001). Logistic regression analysis showed that the overall statistically significant related factors of hypercholesterolemiawere gender, age, body mass index and triglyceride. Body mass index is significantly related to hypercholesterolemia in men, but not in women. And age as a factor of hypercholesterolemia is more important in women than in men. In many countries, cholesterol reduction and the decline in incidence of CVD have been achieved by civil society campaigns and government-promoted interventions. The results shown in this study may be useful for the development of CVD prevention strategies in Taiwan.
起訖頁 7-13
關鍵詞 高膽固醇血症心臟血管疾病三酸甘油脂身體質量數社區醫學HypercholesterolemiaCardiovascular diseasesTriglycerideBody mass indexCommunity medicine
刊名 秀傳醫學雜誌  
期數 200704 (7:1-2期)
出版單位 秀傳紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 總膽管結石之緊急超音波診斷─影響結石檢出率因素之研究
該期刊-下一篇 干擾素和RIBAVIRIN對慢性C型肝炎患者的療效預測指標分析–中台灣某醫院的回顧性研究




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