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Preliminary Survey of Painless Labor in a Medical Center
作者 史麗珠陶夙琪林佳慧 (Chia-Hui Lin)羅良明蔡榮財郭璧如劉苑菁彭彥婷高瑞琦王曼珊許菁蘭
The use of painless labor in our country is as low 3-15%, whereas it is 80% in developed countries. Data based on a questionnaire survey was collected from women who gave birth to explore how the decision of delivery was made and whom she was consulted with. A total of 105 valid samples were obtained from a medical center of northern Taiwan in 1999. Other than descriptive statistics, MeNemar's Chi-square was used to compare the proportion of proposed and actual delivery methods. The propotions of proposed delivery methods were: natural birth (54.3%), painless labor (16.2%), and cesarean section (29.5%). On the other hand, the proportions of actural delivery method were natural birth (42.9%). Painless labor (4.8%), and cesarean section (52.4%), which was significantly different from those of the proposed delivery methods (P =.001). Since some women, who originally intended to use natural-delivery or painless labor, changed to cesarean section. As a result, the actual cesarean section rate was much higher than the proposed one. A small number of women never heard of painless labor as another means of delivery. Physician's opinion was mainly referred when there were medical problems in the delivery women of in the fetus, or when the means of delivery was changed. This implied that physicians play a very important role in deciding the actual delivery method. Complication rate after birth were highest in those women who actually used cesarean to deliver babies, but the satisfaction score among the three delivery groups was not statistically significant. It implied that high complication rate of cesarean section was not emphasized and the pain suffered during childbirth would not be heard after the baby was born. The rate of painless labor is still very low in Taiwan. Lack of relevant information and discouragement from physicians were partly responsible for the low rate of painless labor. We suggest that the pros and cons of different delivery methods should be provided of pregnant women should search relevant information when making their decision of delivery.
起訖頁 9-18
關鍵詞 無痛分娩剖腹生產自然產painless laborcesarean sectionnatural birth
刊名 秀傳醫學雜誌  
期數 200404 (5:1-2期)
出版單位 秀傳紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 以鎝-99m標誌紅血球單光子射出斷層掃描三向立體處理診斷肝臟血管瘤的價值
該期刊-下一篇 強度調控放射治療技術(I.M.R.T.)之臨床應用--秀傳經驗初步結果報告




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