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Energy Usage Intensity Characteristic and Air Condition Type in Office Buildings
作者 林憲德 (Hsien-Te Lin)賴柏亨
由於辦公建築數量多、用電強度高,因而擁有很大的節能效益。我國的建築節能法規由1995至2006 年,辦公建築所獲得的節能管制成效約佔整體效益的63.5%,尤其辦公建築的空調耗能占整體耗能的四到五成,因此空調的節能設計更是最重要的節能重心。採用分散式空調的辦公建築,雖然空調主機效率較低,但此類建築多具備較多的可開窗戶與細長的平面,因而在涼爽的季節或於無人使用的空間可停止空調,因而可節約不少能源。本研究調查北中南三第53 棟辦公建築,發現中央空調辦公大樓之耗能強度EUI 為222.32 kWh/(m2.a),獨立空調辦公大樓之EUI 為 163.48kWh/(m2.a),證實間歇型空調之辦公建築有更節約空調能源之傾向。本研究同時發現獨立空調型辦公大樓採越細長平面設計時,即外周區比例越大時,其耗電強度EUI 越低,可見建築通風平面設計可提供良好自然通風之潛力,進而節約更多空調能源,本文最後建議政府應推動建築師與設備工程師之專業合作政策,結合彈性空調與建築通風平面設計,才能在建築美學與建築節能上發揮最大效益。
The office building always has the high potential to improve the efficiency of energy conservation because of its huge amounts of buildings and high energy usage. The energy conservation policy of air conditioning has become the most important part, because the energy consumption of air conditioning has contributed about 40~50% of the total energy usage in office buildings. According to the data collected from1995 to 2006 showed, 63.5% of the total achievement of energy conservation was from office buildings. The office building with decentralized air conditioning system always can save more energy because it has more operable windows and shorter plan which makes it is possible to turn off the air conditioning in cool seasons or the spaces that no one is using in spite of this kind of system owns lower mechanical efficiency. This research had investigated 53 office buildings and found that the EUI (Energy Use Intensity) are 222.32 kWh/(m2.a) and 163.48 kWh/(m2.a) for centralized air conditioned and decentralized air conditioned office building, separately. It proved that the decentralized air conditioned office building can conserve more energy than other air conditioning system. This research also finds out that if the buildings applied more longer and thinner plan, which means the bigger perimeter ratio, when they' re designed, the more energy could be conserved. In order to get the largest effect of building design and energy conservation, this paper finally suggests that the government should promote the professional cooperation policys to make architects cooperate with equipment engineers as well as to combine the flexible air conditioning system and ventilated building design.
起訖頁 27-44
關鍵詞 辦公建築間歇型空調建築節能耗能強度EUIOffice buildingsDiscontinuous air conditionBuilding energy conservationEnergy usage intensity
刊名 建築學報  
期數 201012 (74期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 既有公寓大廈更新改造診斷模式與需求--以共用部份噪音、採光照明、空氣品質、隔熱遮陽更新改造為例
該期刊-下一篇 環境重新安置對日間照顧中心高齡者使用行為影響之研究--以某機構附設「混合收托型」日間照顧中心為例




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