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Diet and Nutrition survey in the republic of Palau
作者 廖淑芬 (Su-Fen Liao)楊國卿陳仲達 (Jong-Dar Chen)許青雲
不健康的飲食和缺乏活動是肥胖、心血管或糖尿病等慢性疾病發生的主因。為預防慢性疾病的發生,世界衛生組織於2004 年提出促進健康飲食與規律活動的策略,來預防非傳染慢性疾病的發生。本膳食調查的目的希望能了解帛琉的飲食文化,以及當地人食物取得的可近性及障礙。本調查針對帛琉國內公私立小學、社區大學、國家醫院供應的飲食、居民經常聚會的餐廳及最大的超商販售的食物進行訪查,採買居民常食用的套餐,使用食物秤重法評估其熱量及營養素。結果顯示,帛琉公立小學的營養午餐以加工食品為主,餐點中蔬菜供應量少,口味偏鹹,飲食中肉類及主食類份量偏多,烹調方式以油炸居多。帛琉人民的飲食內容中攝取糖、鹽及油脂較多,營養不均衡所造成的不良結果如肥胖、糖尿病、高血壓等慢性疾病。因此,提供價格便宜,供應足夠,取得方便的蔬菜水果,改變飲食習慣是帛琉人民當務之急,而帛琉政府也為營養與健康飲食訂定策略,促進健康。
Unhealthy diet and lack of activity is the main cause of obesity, cardiovascular, diabetes and other chronic diseases. To reduce mortality or morbidity, World Health Organization (WHO) 2004 proposed strategies to promote healthy eating and active to prevent the occurrence of non-communicable chronic diseases. Palauan suffer from obesity, chronic diseases such as Diabetes, Hypertension. They prefer eating more sugar, salt and fat foods less than fruits and vegetables, and favor unhealthy foods such as frying food, and sweetened soft drinks. Our goal wound to understand food supply in school lunch, hospital and restaurant. Diet culture, food purchasable or barrier in environment was our research also. Nutrition survey focus on primary school, collage, hospital meals service, supermarket, grocery store and restaurant’s food supply, weighted food record assessed nutrients and calories. Result was too much canned or processed foods and less vegetable and fruit in school lunch. Restaurant service too much meat and rice over body needs and more fried food in particularly. In conclusions, making fruits and vegetables acceptable, attainable and affordable in public, changing the dietary habit are crucial to improve the situation in Palau. The government should adopt strategies and develop policies in nutrition and healthy diet immediately.
起訖頁 131-138
關鍵詞 帛琉營養調查膳食慢性疾病食物秤重法Palaunutrition surveydietarychronic diseaseweighted food record
刊名 長庚科技學刊  
期數 201506 (22期)
出版單位 長庚科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 古今中外芳香療法之探討
該期刊-下一篇 詩經植物意象於插畫創作之應用




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