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Exploration theAromatherapy of Chinese and Foreign Styles in Ancient and Mordern Times
作者 吳佳玲黃俊薰吳秋燕
文明帶來的壓力愈來愈多,現代人處於生活工作壓力下,尋求舒解壓力及回歸自然的渴望愈來愈熱切,也造成健康美容產業有如雨後春筍般到處林立。目前台灣一年有300 億的 (美容)消費市場,行政院擬於2015 年產業發展案政策把健康照護列為計劃之一,結合消費者同時對健康與美容的需求,這將為健康美容產業帶來更大的消費市場潛力。有鑑於人類承續幾千年來對自然芳香精油的實證及經驗,使人類身、心、靈均能紓解,芳香療法一直是扮演著重要角色。因此,本文統整相關古今中外芳香療法的歷史發展文獻,對中西方芳香療法進行探究,並介紹心率變異量分析,對於提供未來評估芳香療法的介入成效的參考,及發揮中醫芳香療法的優勢有著重要意義,藉以提升芳香療法正確使用在健康照護的可能性。
With the development of civilization, people in the modern times are burdened with more and more stress from work and life. Their desires of seeking stress relief approaches as well as going back to nature have grown fervently, which brings about the prosperity of the healthy beauty industry. Currently, the beauty consumer market is estimated to be annual 30-billion NT dollars in Taiwan. In addition, health care is scheduled to be included in the industrial development project of the Executive Yuan by 2015, combining consumer’s needs on both health and beauty; the potential market of the healthy beauty industry can reach hundreds of billions of NT dollars. For thousands of years humans have inherited the empirical experience of using natural aromatic essential oils to relieve human body, mind and, spirit; aromatherapy has been playing a critical role and even is irreplaceable. Therefore, this article summarized related historical development and literature of aromatherapy, introduced the heart rhythm variance analysis, and provided a reference for future evaluations of intervention effectiveness of aromatherapy. Exerting the advantages of Chinese medicine aromatherapy is very meaningful, which promotes the possibility of correctly application the aromatherapy in health care.
起訖頁 119-129
關鍵詞 芳香療法精油心率變異量分析aromatherapyessential oilsheart rate variability (HRV)
刊名 長庚科技學刊  
期數 201506 (22期)
出版單位 長庚科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 明日之星- 燃料電池
該期刊-下一篇 帛琉共和國居民膳食營養狀況調查研究




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