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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Application of Transformational Leadership in the Classroom Management: A Case Study of the Elementary School Teacher |
作者 |
黃彥超 |
中文摘要 |
領導是影響力的發揮,教師在班級裡擔任領導者的角色,帶領學生達成目標;學生就如同組織成員一樣,各有不同的需求、喜好與價值觀。教師領導能力與班級經營息息相關,更影響學生的表現與學習成效。因此,對於班級經營的認知與了解是行政人員與教師共同的責任。本研究將轉型領導理論與班級經營相結合,除了探討轉型領導與班級經營之意涵與相關研究外,並採用質性、描述性詮釋的研究方式,針對某位國小教師進行個案研究。除了解國小級任教師轉型領導行為與班級經營之現況與關係之外,並探討國民小學教師運用轉型領導在班級經營之實際情形。研究發現:(1)班級常規的建立為班級經營的首要工作;(2)在班級經營的範圍下,互易領導為轉型領導的基礎;(3)有效的班級經營必須鉅細靡遺,妥當安排各項活動;(4)善用溝通,以學生為本位,支持並鼓勵學生,並以魅力影響學生及家長,如此才能創造出互助合作的學習環境。 |
英文摘要 |
Leadership is the exposure of the effectiveness. The teacher is the leader in the classroom, and leads students to achieve the goal. Students are like members in the organization with different requirements and values. Leadership capacity of teachers is associated with the classroom management and students performance. This study tries to combine the theory of transformational leadership with the classroom management, and examines the meaning and association of transformational leadership and classroom management. The study adopts the case study method as the research tool. As the data analyzed the conclusions are showed as follows: (1) Building good discipline is the first work of the classroom management. (2)Transactional leadership is the base of transformational leadership. (3) The effective classroom management needs to be wholly and carefully arranged for activities. (4) Good communication, studentbased and encouragement, and students and parents’ charming influences will create cooperative learning environment. |
起訖頁 |
167-187 |
關鍵詞 |
轉型領導、班級經營、個案研究、transformational leadership、classroom management、case study |
刊名 |
學校行政 |
期數 |
201507 (98期) |
出版單位 |
QRCode |
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國中推動自發性教室走察之探究 |
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學習感恩,留住幸福的青鳥-感恩教育推行策略 |