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A Longitudinal Network Analysis of Taiwan Blogosphere
作者 盧能彬
Recently, the blogosphere has been dramatically blooming and becoming indispensable in our digital lives. Nowadays, there have been many published researches about the blogosphere. However, the network analyses of Taiwan blogosphere are still limited. Thus, in this research, we tried to investigate the network changes of Taiwan blogosphere. Based on the rank list maintained by the Taiwan website, 'Blog Look,' we took the Top 100 Taiwan personal blogs, on 26 October 2008, 6 September 2009, and 27 June 2010, respectively, as three clusters of our research sample. First, we conducted basic statistics of the three sample clusters, and compared the differences between them. Then, we collected all the blogrolls of the Top 100 blogs, on 1 November 2008, 11 September 2009, and 2 July 2010, respectively. Therefore, we sifted and figured out three blogroll network topologies at the three time points, respectively. Upon the three blogroll network topologies, we applied centrality and k-core analyses to explore the network changes of Taiwan blogosphere. Based on the analytical results, we found that the communities of networking application, picture article, and cuisine, respectively, are the top three communities and locate at a variety of topological centers of Taiwan blogosphere. Furthermore, compared to the blogosphere around the world, we found that the community of networking application fits in the blogging trend around the world, the community of societal comment is less connected than popular political blogs in western democratic countries, and the communities of picture article and cuisine are special developments of Taiwan blogosphere.
起訖頁 36-65
關鍵詞 部落格網絡分析中心性k-核心BlogNetwork analysisCentralityK-core
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 201207 (23期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
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