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作者 梁煥煒
In the start-up and operation process, social enterprises not only achieve thesocial goals, but also overcome the business obstacles. Nevertheless, more than half of social enterprises are hard to break-even, they need to seek mentors and consultants' help. Some international institutions and governments understand the social enterprises' need and see the values, therefore, they dedicated to create and establish some counseling and incubating systems and models to fit social enterprises' need. These systems and models are good examples for Taiwan to learn in the initial stage of developing social enterprises. The essay will collect and sort out the good counseling and incubating systems and models of social enterprises in the world, and try to build the developing framework to help different kinds of social enterprises for utilizing the resources effectively by the division work of government, second and third sector in Taiwan. In the end, the essay also gives some advices to the mentors, social enterprises and government.
起訖頁 26-48
關鍵詞 社會企業Social enterprises諮詢輔導counseling育成體系incubating system
刊名 勞資關係論叢  
期數 201502 (16:2期)
出版單位 國立中正大學勞工關係學系
該期刊-上一篇 高齡產業社會企業創業家轉化學習歷程之研究
該期刊-下一篇 探討我國社會企業永續發展之因素--以彰化某協會實施之獎酬制度為例




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