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A Study of Integrated Inventory Model of Reduced Ordering Cost
作者 楊金山方正中江盛翔
科技的日益創新加上網路資訊技術的快速發展,買方和賣方的關係已漸漸從過去的對立狀態轉變為密不可分的合作伙伴,從彼此競爭到攜手合作,使供應鏈管理(SCM , Supply Chain Management)成為產業界必備的合作模式之一,而學界也熱烈的探討此一議題,並提出許多改善方針,使供應鏈可達成最佳效果。本研究主要探討 Yang and Pan(2004) 所提出買賣整合成本模式,在不允許賣方有缺貨之情況下之整合性存貨模式,並加入降低訂購成本之資本成本模式,本研究旨在針對一個整合性存貨模式,使得買方與賣方所發生總存貨成本最小化,並發展模式最適解的演算法,同時得出訂購量、訂購成本與交貨次數最適解。
Since the innovation of technology and development of Internet information, seller and buyer had become a closer relationship than before, from competition to cooperation, make the SCM (supply chain management) turn into the one of the necessary cooperation model in the industrial circles. In addition, there is lot of discussion among the academia which brings more ideas to improve it and lets the supply chain achieve the maximum effect. In this thesis, we discuss one prior work that Yang and Pan (2004) proposed, integrated inventory models. The integrated inventory models they suggested were under the inadmissible condition to out of stock, adds the capital cost to lower ordering cost no matter how many delivery times in order to get a proper ordering amount, shipping times and lower cost, as well as the ordering cost be changed by the extra fund to invest. The purpose of this research is to develop the integrated inventory models for minimizing the total joint annual costs incurred by the vendor and the purchaser. An algorithmic procedure was established to find the optimal order quantity, ordering cost and number of deliveries.
起訖頁 127-136
關鍵詞 訂購成本資本成本整合性存貨模式Ordering costCapital costIntegrated inventory model
刊名 南臺學報  
期數 201312 (38:4期)
出版單位 南臺科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 具生產力之對談與創意績效之關係
該期刊-下一篇 人口因素對健保費缺口的相關影響--應用隨機性統計邊界法




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