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作者 楊淑媛
This article aims to understand the meanings and impact of the reconstruction of tradition and the objectification of culture among the Bunun, an Austronesian- speaking indigenous people of Taiwan. It situates the revival of tradition in the contexts of state appropriation and the development of ethnic tourism, and shows how the Bunun attempt to negotiate their relationship with the state and the dominant society by reconstituting tradition in the present. From in-depth analysis of the Bunun’s signature ritual, malahtangia, we can see that continuity with the past lies not in the exact reproduction of the symbolic meanings of ritual, but in the culturally specific ways in which the Bunun sustain local identity and sociality by reproducing their concept of personhood. A comparison of tradition’s different political effects in several Bunun settlements shows that the revival of tradition can be a means of empowerment, but the politicization of culture also has the potential to draw the Bunun into the bureaucratized discourse of tradition which would result in their greater dependence on the state and a commodity logic that can further marginalize them. As the Bunun in different areas attempt to deploy culture as a conscious value and construct tradition as a product of their historically situated action, we can expect that Bunun tradition will become more diversified in the future.
起訖頁 55-93
關鍵詞 布農人打耳祭傳統的再創造文化觀光傳統的政治The BununMalahtangia ritualReconstruction of traditionCultural tourismPolitics of tradition
刊名 臺灣人類學刊  
期數 201112 (9:2期)
出版單位 中央研究院民族學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從祖靈祭到Mgay Bari:當代太魯閣「傳統」祭儀的建構與詮釋
該期刊-下一篇 災難的永恆回歸:記憶政治與災難反覆的探討




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