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The Beginning of 'Opening” Education Reform: Post-structuralist Feminism Challenges to Education Policy Studies
作者 李淑菁
The configuration of the society keeps changing with social transitions and global trends; the universality of rational standards has been challenged by new social movements and paradigms have been shifted likewise. Feminist post-structuralist theory of policy, meanwhile, is capable of capturing many of subtleties of policy process and practice without ignoring the systematic power of the state. Feminist post-structuralist theories of policy go deep into gender relations within policy-making, looking at policy processes and consequences as examples of the structuring force of the state. This holistic approach has some potential to synthesise the conflicts between macro and micro perspectives, and between state-centred and policy cycle approaches to policy sociology. Post-structural feminism has the advantage of being able to draw on sophisticated Foucauldian conceptions of power, as embedded both in a range of institutions, such as legislatures, courts, and education systems, and in professions, such as psychiatry, law, medicine, and education. All of these sites are seen as significant in producing policy and social relations as 'gendered?. By bringing to bear a number of concerns and methods, then, taken widely from sociology, political thought and cultural theory, post-structural feminism seeks to talk about gender identities and experiences, individual and group agency and subjectivity, and relations between discourse, power and knowledge in integrated and groundbreaking ways.
起訖頁 111-150
關鍵詞 後結構女性主義政策社會學教育政策論述分析國家Post-structural feminismPolicy sociologyEducation policyDiscourse analysisState
刊名 國家與社會  
期數 201012 (9期)
出版單位 元智大學社會暨政策科學學系
該期刊-上一篇 The Research of Impact of Citizens’ Medical Experience and Policy Literacy on Health Insurance Policy Satisfaction
該期刊-下一篇 光說不安全是不夠的:美牛風險、管制理論與政策選擇




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