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The Research of Impact of Citizens’ Medical Experience and Policy Literacy on Health Insurance Policy Satisfaction
作者 劉宜君 (I-Chun Liu)
The government conducts regular studies based on polls to determine public satisfaction with National Healthcare Insurance and health care in general. Since the implementation of health insurance, the satisfaction rates have fluctuated between 70% and above. However, many still oppose some of the reform policies regarding the adjustment of premium rates. One reason for this is that some people are insufficiently policy literate and thus unable to fully understand government policy. As a result, this paper attempts to examine the linkages between policy literacy and the level of satisfaction felt by individual members of the populace with their overall experience of the medical system. Further policy design will be advised to take into consideration any linkages highlighted by this paper. The paper defines policy literacy as a form of popular education on public policy issues involving people, environment, economy and society. Recently, a number of interventions have been shown to be effective in building health literacy, promoting patient involvement in treatment decisions and educating patients to play an active role in self-management of chronic conditions. Noticeably, the population can already be divided levels of health status and policy knowledge. Some people are healthy, others often see doctors. Some people have good understanding of health insurance policy, others do not. With this purpose, the study implements a telephone opinion survey to collect public opinion and to understand the relationship between policy satisfaction and policy literacy. The research finds that individuals with higher policy literacy tended to have a higher satisfaction with their health insurance policy than people with less. The research also finds that the majority of the population has a reasonably accurate perception of the national health insurance policy. However, there are some people that still need to receive education regarding matters of governmental policy. The research recommends that the government present strategies to improve policy literacy of citizens, in order to enhance their participation in the assessment of the impacts of policies and in the formulation of alternatives to current policies.
起訖頁 67-109
關鍵詞 全民健保就醫經驗政策知能滿意度National health insuranceMedical experiencePolicy literacyPolicy satisfaction rate
刊名 國家與社會  
期數 201012 (9期)
出版單位 元智大學社會暨政策科學學系
該期刊-上一篇 符合公平正義之福利經費規劃--以臺灣兒少與老人福利支出為例
該期刊-下一篇 「開啟」教育變革的起點:後結構女性主義理論對教育政策研究的挑戰




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