中文摘要 |
1952年迄1968年間,臺灣除了全國高等考試(以下簡稱「高考」)外,還舉辦臺灣省高考,考試的日期、科目、錄取標準皆與全國高考相同,17年間一共錄取了1,581人。這兩種高考之間到底有何關係,而臺灣省高考又何以產生、結束?上述問題較少人關切。本文利用「考試院檔案」、《考試院施政編年錄》、《中華民國考選統計》及回憶錄、口訪資料,就臺灣省高考產生的背景;考試的錄取數、應考者身分、應考科目、任用;臺灣省高考結束的原因等,進行研究。就研究所得,臺灣省高考的產生,在於臺籍考生自1952年後及格的人數大增,但礙於全國高考以分省/區定額錄取,相對於在臺人數少、定額多的外省籍考生,臺灣當時只有9個錄取名額,產生不公平的現象,擔心引起臺灣各界的疑慮,所實施的補救性考試。1962年全國高考尚未修法進行「加倍錄取」前,臺籍考生在臺灣省高考與全國高考錄取比為1,156比404,可見臺灣省高考及格即錄取的吸引力相當大。1960年臺灣省高考取消行政人員、只考建設人員後,吸引力降低,1968年成為臺灣省高考的最後一年。再加上自1962年全國高考以臺籍考生及格即錄取,因此臺灣省高考錄取者,以在臺灣省政府各單位任職為優先,林金莖、林洋港、楊寶發等人都由省政單位開始任職,最終進入中央官僚體系。由此可見,臺灣省高考選拔了不少臺灣人才,稍能平息當時可能產生的省籍矛盾,故有其階段性存在的必要。 |
英文摘要 |
Between 1952 and 1968, apart from the National Civil Service Senior Examination, there was also the Provincial Civil Service Senior Examination held for personnel selection in Taiwan. The two examinations were conducted on the same date for the same subjects and with the same admission criteria. Over these 17 years, there were 1,581 civil servants recruited through the Provincial Civil Service Senior Examination. Nevertheless, there has been little discussion on how this alternative channel for personnel selection originated and terminated and how it was related to the National Civil Service Senior Examination. This paper details how the Provincial Civil Service Senior Examination came into existence, why it was abolished, who the candidates were, what subjects were tested, how many were recruited and to what posts the newly recruits were assigned. The Provincial Civil Service Senior Examination was first introduced in 1952 as a remedial measure for the uneven/unfair recruitment of Mainlanders and Taiwanese as civil servants. In that year, there was a marked increase in the number of Taiwanese candidates passing the examination. However, the 'District Quota System', with the appointment ratio fixed according to the population of each province of China, resulted in only 9 candidates from Taiwan being selected while the majority of recruits were Mainlanders. Things changed in 1960 when the subjects tested by the Provincial Civil Service Senior Examination were reduced. Furthermore, in 1962, recruitment was guaranteed to all Taiwanese candidates who passed the National Civil Service Senior Examination (passing score: 60 on average). Thus, the Provincial Civil Service Senior Examination lost its appeal as a channel for admission into the civil service and was eventually abolished in 1968. Talents recruited through the Provincial Civil Service Senior Examination were assigned to various posts in the provincial government and many ultimately played significant roles in the central bureaucracy. Hence, not only did the Provincial Civil Service Senior Examination offer an alternative means for personnel selection, its existence was also deemed necessary for quelling conflicts among different ethnic groups. |