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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
The Construction of Mobilization Knowledge Sharing Behavior Assessment Scale for Enterprise Workers |
作者 |
戴建耘、陳宛非、袁宇熙、高曼婷、韓長澤 |
中文摘要 |
鑑於行動資訊載具的進步改變了人類資訊處理行為,更促進知識分享而強化企 業組織的智慧資本與創新能力,故研究者擬建構適合企業應用之「企業工作者行動 化知識分享行為量表」,俾利企業導入行動資訊載具進行企業流程再造,或進行知 識創新時的決策參考所用。本研究透過認知心理學、科技接受模式、知識分享等理 論觀點,配合量表建構理論,發展評估企業工作者的知識分享行為之量表。研究對 象以臺灣中小型企業在職人士為母群,經施測後得到779 份有效樣本。經結構方程 模式進行驗證式因素分析檢定,顯示本量表9 個構面共35 題,其組合信度、平均 變異數抽取量檢定,與收斂效度、區辨效度、一階因素模式適配度評估、複核效化 等檢驗結果,均支持本量表具有良好的信效度。 |
英文摘要 |
Due to the progression of mobile information devices, the information processing behaviors among human beings have changed. Therefore, it has driven enterprises and organizations to enhance its intellectual capital and innovative capability through knowledge sharing. Hence, it is necessary to construct an appropriate assessment for enterprises and organizations to apply in such purpose, to support the decision making that including business process reengineering or knowledge innovation while mobile device implementation. This thesis is based on theoretical foundational point of view such as Cognitive Psychology, Technology Acceptance Model, and Knowledge Sharing. Besides, the instruments development principle was also followed accordingly in this study. 799 valid samples were collected from small and medium enterprises (SME) workers in Taiwan. Conformity Factor Analysis was employed as statistical approach to examine the reliability and validity of “Mobilization Knowledge Sharing Behavior Scale for Enterprise Workers (MKSBS-EW)” through Structural Equation Modeling process. The instrument consisted of 35 items with 9 dimensions. The results supported stable reliability and validity of MKSBS-EW by composite reliability, average variance extracted, convergent validity, discriminate validity, first order confirmatory factor analysis, and cross-validity test. |
起訖頁 |
557-585 |
關鍵詞 |
企業工作者、行動資訊載具、知識分享行為、科技接受模式、量表建構、enterprise worker、instrument development、knowledge sharing behavior、mobile information device、technology acceptance model |
刊名 |
測驗學刊 |
期數 |
201412 (61:4期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
中小學生「數學知識信念量表」之發展與信效度考驗 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
國小學生「線上閱讀素養測驗」之編製與線上閱讀能力表現之初探 |