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政治科學論叢 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Incomplete Parliamentalized Semi-Presidentialism' in Portugal: Institutional and Non-institutional Analysis
作者 顏煌庭
This study assesses whether Portugal moved toward institutional and non-institutional parliamentarization following constitutional change by constructing indicators of parliamentarization, showing that Portugal developed an "incomplete parliamentarized semi-presidentialism." Due to the outbreak of Carnation Revolution at 1976, Portugal entered into the family of semi-presidentialism. After constitutional reform in 1982, the powers of the president under new constitutional framework decreased. However, "incomplete institutional parliamentarization" meant that presidents were still veto players. In addition, "complete non-institutional parliamentarization" consolidated the relationship between cabinet and parliament through prime ministerial presidentialization and the transformation of party system. Based on the experience in Portugal, the article also addresses the relationship between complete institutional or non-institutional parliamentarization and the transformation of semi-presidentialism. After applying indicators of parliamentarization to Finland and comparing with the case of Portugal, the article concludes that institutional rather than non-institutional factors contribute to "complete parliamentarized semi-presidentialism." However, presidential effects under "incomplete institutional parliamentarization" can be restricted by "complete non-institutional parliamentarization." For future research, these results can be applied to cross-national case studies, indicators of presidentialization, power distribution between presidents, cabinets or parliaments and democratic stability in semi-presidential countries.
起訖頁 85-120
關鍵詞 葡萄牙芬蘭半總統制不完全議會化PortugalFinlandSemi-PresidentialismIncomplete Parliamentarization
刊名 政治科學論叢  
期數 201406 (60期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學政治學系
該期刊-上一篇 為什麼反對移工/移民?--利益衝突抑或文化排斥
該期刊-下一篇 結構現實主義與Wendt的理論對話:「體系-結構」觀點與「文化-邏輯」觀點的結合




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