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Design and Performance Discussion about Manufacturing Execution System (MES) of Electro-Optical Industry Based on Cloud Computing Technology
作者 陳志達
目前光電產業相關生產製程技術提昇以及各整體產業領域的競爭環境下,現今企業除了將面臨生產的技術以及良率提升外更需要生產資訊的整合與生產系統處理資訊的效率以及準確性,以便即時回應相關企業的決策速度,在此生產資訊的流通與快速回應就更顯重要,雲端運算(Cloud Computing)在現今的資訊領域中已經是越來越受重視的平台,除了可以提高資訊的處理速度,也可以降低企業的硬體建置、維護還有相關人員成本,本文主要是要探討如何使用雲端運算來改善目前光電產業所使用的製造執行系統(Manufacturing Execution System)的即時數據的分析運算,目前系統因為有礙與生產數據太多龐大,導致目前現有傳統的硬體架構處理上的困難,本研究將討論以及規劃設計現有的MES架構如何搭配雲端進行運作,本論文設計的架構會利用Windows Azure架構來測試以及證明雲端運算的可行性。
At present, Optoelectronics Industry is correlated to the promotion of Manufacturing Process of Production/ Production Processing Technology and the environment of the whole industrial competitions. Currently, in addition to confront the production technology and the promotion of the yield rate, the enterprise needs more integrations in the production information as well as the efficiency and accuracy on the information of the processing production system - for responding the related enterprise's decision-making speed instantly. Therefore, it is essential to have great circulation and rapid response in the production information. Cloud Computing has become more and more valued in present information field/ realm of information. Besides enhancing the processing speed of the information, Could Computing can also reducing the hardware establishment, maintenance, and labor costs in the enterprise. Mainly, this text is for exploring how to improve the real-time date operational analysis in the current Optoelectronics Industry's usage on Manufacturing Execution System by using Cloud Computing. Due to the enormous date at present system, this leads to the difficulties in the existing traditional hardware structure and hardware construction processing. This study will discuss and design the existing architecture with Cloud Computing; this design will use Windows Azure for testing and proving the feasibility of Cloud Computing.
起訖頁 30-45
關鍵詞 製造執行系統雲端運算Manufacturing Execution SystemCloud ComputingWindows Azure
刊名 資訊與管理科學  
期數 201406 (7:1期)
出版單位 資訊與管理科學期刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 數位補教之學習滿意度與持續學習意願之研究
該期刊-下一篇 第五代行動通訊系統




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