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A Study of the Learning Satisfaction and Continuance Intention for e-Learning Cram School Students
作者 彭國芳謝翠娟李易奇
近年來數位學習的蓬勃成長與發展,也吸引著補習班業者考慮投注大量資源導入線上補教的數位學習,儘管如此,學界目前對於數位補教領域之學習滿意與持續學習卻仍所知有限,也造成了補教產業介入數位學習時缺乏理論性研究成果的指引而僅能獨自摸索成功模式。本研究之目的在於試圖透過:課程、環境、教師這三大面向,探索影響數位補教學員學習滿意度之前因變數,並且釐清對學員後續學習之影響。我們建構一整合之三階式研究模型,推論:課程內容資訊性、課程內容娛樂性、電腦與網路滿意度、數位學習網站平台滿意度、教師個別化教學程度、教師學習氣氛營造能力,可以有助於提升數位補教學習滿意度,而終促進數位補教學員之持續學習意願。本研究針對國內各主要實施數位補教業者,徵集152名數位補教學員之自願樣本,運用Smart PLS路徑分析軟體來進行路徑模型假說之實證檢定,研究結果發現:(1)課程內容品質資訊性、電腦與網路滿意度、教師學習氣氛營造能力,為三項能夠顯著正向影響數位補教學習滿意度之前因變數。(2)數位學習滿意度確實能顯著正向影響數位補教之持續學習意願。本研究之學術與管理意涵,亦在文末有所討論,我們並將做出具體之結論與建議。
The rapid growth of e-Learning has attracted many cram schools considering to highly investing in the online tutoring business model. However, without the guidance from significant theoretical studies, they can only rely on exploring the success models by themselves. This study aims to propose and validate a unified model portraying the relationship among antecedents, learning satisfaction, and continuance intention, form the perspectives of course, environment, and teacher factors. We empirically recruit 152 convenient samples, who are currently students of major domestic e-Learning cram schools, and test the proposed relationships utilizing Smart PLS path analysis. The results showed: (1) the perceived informativeness of the course, the satisfaction toward the computing facility and networking, and the teacher's ability to create positive leaning atmosphere are three major antecedents leading to raise e-Learning satisfaction; (2) e-Learning satisfaction does in turn induce continuance intention for using online tutoring. The academic and practical implications of this study are finally discussed.
起訖頁 4-29
關鍵詞 數位學習補教業學習滿意度持續學習意願路徑分析e-LearningCram SchoolLearning SatisfactionContinuance IntentionPath Analysis
刊名 資訊與管理科學  
期數 201406 (7:1期)
出版單位 資訊與管理科學期刊編輯委員會
該期刊-下一篇 光電產業製造執行系統採用雲端運算提昇效能之設計與探討




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