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Using Evaluation Policy Wheel to Analyze the Faculty Evaluation Policy in Taiwan
作者 曾淑惠 (Shu-Hui Tseng)阮淑萍 (Shu-Ping Juan)陳鎰斌劉富美
近幾年來學者對評鑑政策有較多的關注,本文運用由 Trochim 提出的評鑑政 策輪檢視41 所科技大學的教師評鑑政策,結果發現評鑑政策類型關切的議題可重 新定義,且有必要新增一項名為「評鑑倫理」的政策類型,同時我國科技大學評 鑑政策的內涵也有必要符應評鑑政策輪所提之政策類型,再加以充實或調整。由 於大學教師評鑑研究在國內仍屬新的探究領域,本文並提出對教師評鑑政策內 涵、促進評鑑結果使用、建立教師評鑑品質與可靠性、以及在實施教師評鑑政策 上的啟示,以供學校教師、評鑑政策參與決策者、教育行政主管以及評鑑研究者 之參考。
In recent year, scholars have advanced calls for research on evaluation policy. The evaluation policy wheel proposed by Trochim was used to review and analyze faculty evaluation policy of 41 technological universities in Taiwan. In this paper we suggest redefinition to the categories of evaluation policy wheel and add evaluation ethics as a new category. In addition, supplementary and modifications to faculty evaluation policy of technological universities in Taiwan are prerequisite. While research on faculty evaluation is still at a beginning stage, findings of this article will have broad implications for practitioners as well as evaluation researchers, decision makers, and administrators for enhancing the usefulness of evaluation results, establishing its credibility, improving the quality of faculty evaluation, faculty evaluation policy reform, and for the implementation of faculty evaluation.
起訖頁 055-079
關鍵詞 教師評鑑評鑑政策輪科技大學faculty evaluationtechnological universitiesevaluation policy wheel
刊名 技術及職業教育學報  
期數 201103 (4:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學工業教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 高級中學學生科技素養之調查研究




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