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A Study of Technological Literacy of High School Students
作者 趙志揚林永順鄭郁霖邱紹一 (Shao-I Chiu)
本研究的主要目的在於瞭解高級中學學生在科技素養之現況,以做為課程規 劃與教學之參考依據。本研究以自編「高級中學學生科技素養問卷」為工具,進 行資料蒐集,母群體為全國高級中學學生,抽取其中30 所公私立高級中學,每校 50 名學生,共1500 人,有效回收1363 份,有效回收率為90.87%。利用獨立樣本 T 考驗、單一樣本T 考驗以及多變量統計分析。研究結果發現,就整體面向而言 男性學生科技素養優於女性學生;公立學校在科技知識與科技態度表現優於私立 學校;其中在科技態度方面,中、南部高中學生優於居住在北部之高中學生;而 父母社經地位較高之學生科技素養優於父母社經地位較低之學生。因此,本研究 建議宜提供更多學習機會與舉辦與科技相關活動,使上述科技素養不足之學生有 更多之參與,以接觸更多與科技素養有關情境以培養科技素養,以提昇我國科技 競爭力。
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the status of the senior high school students in technological literacy based on curriculum planning and teaching. The study developed the “Questionnaire about the technology literacy of senior high school students” to collect data. The population was all senior high school students and selected among 30 public and private high schools, 50 students per school. There was a total 1500 returned questionnaires with 1363 valid ones, and the valid returned rate was 90.87%. The Independent-sample t test, One-sample t test, and MANOVA were used for statistical analysis. The results shown as follows: overall, male students in technological literacy were higher than female students; public schools in technological knowledge and attitude toward technology were better than the private schools. In addition, for technology attitude, that student who living in the central and southern was higher than living in the north of Taiwan; the parents with higher socioeconomic status of students in technological literacy were higher than the parents with lower socioeconomic status of students. Therefore, the study suggested that should provide more learning opportunities and technology-related activities that organized to make lack of technology literacy of students to have more opportunity to participate and reach more concerned with technological literacy to foster scientific and technological literacy situation to enhance the competitiveness of Taiwan's technology.
起訖頁 001-026
關鍵詞 科技素養高級中學technological literacyhigh school
刊名 技術及職業教育學報  
期數 201103 (4:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學工業教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 我國技術校院學校組織創新之探討
該期刊-下一篇 論評鑑政策輪對我國科技大學教師評鑑之啓示




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