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Moderating Influence of Product Modularity on Relationships between Supply Chain Relationship Quality, Knowledge Sharing and NPD Performance
作者 陳至柔吳如娟
回顧有關創造力的文獻,資訊人員在創作過程中常常會遇到許多困難,這些困境往往會對資訊人員的個人創造力帶來很大的衝擊,並且會影響到整個專案的成果。本研究根據正向心理學,探討創造力、正向心理資本、主觀幸福感和角色認同之關係,以訪談的方式蒐集20 個案,並且輔以內容分析的方法。研究結果發現,創造力表現與正向心理資本、角色認同都具有顯著正相關。但是主觀幸福感與創造力的表現正向關係卻不顯著。本研究根據創造力與各個變數的關係,針對資訊人員創造力的提升,給予實務上的建議。除此之外,為了提升工作上的創造力與激發更多創新,正向心理的價值,應該融入日後的人力訓練中,以提升人力資源管理的成效。
Previous studies on creativity have shown that information technology (IT) workers frequently encounter numerous difficulties during the creative process. These difficult situations frequently have a significant effect on IT workers’ personal creativity. In this study, we investigate the relationships among creativity, positive psychological capital, subjective well-being, and role identity based on positive psychology. Content analysis was used to analyze the information acquired through interviews of 20 participants .In our findings, the relationships among creativity, positive psychological capital, and role identity are positive and significant. But the relationship between creativity and subjective well-being is not significant. Finally, this study offers practical suggestions based on our findings are provided to assist businesses to effectively enhance IT worker creativity. Hence, in terms of managerial implications, more value of positive psychological needs to be introduced in training programs for human resource management (HRM) to facilitate the implementation of creativity practices and enhance creative behaviors.
起訖頁 339-386
關鍵詞 供應鏈關係品質外顯知識分享內隱知識分享新產品開發績效產品模組化Supply chain relationship qualityExplicit knowledge sharingTacit knowledge sharingNew product development performanceProduct modularity
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201409 (16:3期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 虛擬社群使用者忠誠度之實證研究:基礎人際關係導向觀點




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