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The Study of Knowledge Loss and The Determinants of Knowledge Loss between Knowledge Externalization and Internalization
作者 李國瑋李家瑩陳欣琪
近年來部落客網站提供大量商品或服務的評論資訊,儼然成為某領域的意見領袖,影響了消費者信任建構的過程。為了解消費者「自我認知型──對交易網站信任」及「信任轉移型──對部落客信任」兩者的前因以及對交易意圖的影響。本研究以推敲可能性模式觀點與信任轉移觀點為理論基礎,透過問卷調查方式,獲得196 份有效問卷。研究結果發現:(1) 消費者對交易網站的信任(自我認知型)及部落客(信任轉移型)的信任,會顯著影響其交易意圖;(2) 自我認知型的前置因素(包括服務品質與品牌形象),會顯著影響消費者對交易網站的信任;(3) 信任轉移型的前置因素,(包括部落格內容品質與網友推薦程度),會顯著影響消費者對部落客的信任;(4)整體而言,在對消費者交易意圖的影響程度上,信任轉移信任的影響會大於自我認知型信任。
Recently the phenomenon of bloggers received great attentions, and thus bloggers’ opinions become influential for consumer’s trust evaluation toward transaction websites since bloggers act as field experts or early adopters. Drawing on the perspectives of elaboration likelihood model and trust transference, the objectives of this study aim to investigate the antecedents of “self-perception-based trust” and “transference-based trust” and the impacts of these two trusts on consumer’s transaction intention. The proposed model was empirically evaluated using survey data collected from 196 consumers about their perception of online shopping. The results show that (1) consumers trust in website (self-perception-based trust) and trust in blogger (transference-based trust) have significant effect on his or her intention to purchase; (2) Self-perception-based trust determinants (i.e., “service quality” and “brand image”) are positively related to consumer trust in transaction website; (3) transference-based trust determinants (i.e., “content quality of blog” and “user endorsement”) are positively related to consumer trust in blogger; (4) overall, blogger (transference-based trust) present more influential than commerce website (self-perception-based trust) on consumers’ intention to purchase.
起訖頁 199-245
關鍵詞 知識外化知識內化知識流失知識管理Knowledge externalizationKnowledge internalizationKnowledge lossKnowledge management
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201406 (16:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 為網絡可達性分析之區塊模式化擴展




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