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A Research on Service Quality & Continuous Usage Intention of Cloud ERP System
作者 許麗玲陳至柔陳澔輝
本研究以台灣「部落格觀察」網站的排名資料為基準,於2008 年至2011 年之間共四個時點,分別挑選排行榜前一百名部落格為研究樣本,據以蒐集、篩選、與繪製這些樣本部落格於四個時點的朋友連結網絡,然後再遞迴運用核心/邊陲分析,依次探索這些朋友連結網絡中的核心社群,並觀察它們的變遷。分析結果發現「圖文」、「美食/旅行」、以及「資訊科技/ 網路應用」等三大核心社群,其中「圖文」社群為高度聯繫、低度成長的社群,「美食/旅行」社群為低度聯繫、高度成長的社群,「資訊科技/ 網路應用」則為中度聯繫、中度成長的社群。再與國外的部落格發展相較,則發現「資訊科技/網路應用」社群同樣是熱門的趨勢;至於「圖文」與「美食/旅行」社群則是台灣部落格空間特有的發展。
In this research, we took the Top 100 blogs, based on the rank lists maintained by the Taiwan website “Blog Look,” at four time points between 2008 and 2011, respectively, as our research samples. Then, we collected all the blogrolls of our samples at four time points. Therefore, we sifted and figured out four blogroll networks between our samples, respectively. Upon the four blogroll networks, we applied core/periphery analysis recursively to explore core communities and observe their changes. As a result, we found out the top three core communities: picture article, cuisine/travel, and information technology/networking application. And we observed that picture article community is highly connected and lowly growing; cuisine/travel community is lowly connected and highly growing; information technology/networking application community is medium connected and medium growing. Furthermore, compared to the blogosphere around the world, we found that the community of information technology/networking application fits in the blogging trend around the world, and the communities of picture article and cuisine/ travel are special developments of Taiwan blogosphere.
起訖頁 195-233
關鍵詞 軟體即服務服務品質期望確認理論持續使用意圖Software as a serviceService qualityExpectation confirmation theoryContinuous usage intention
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201306 (15:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 Evolution of ERP Systems Implementation in Taiwan-Four Surveys in Ten Years
該期刊-下一篇 部落格空間之核心社群探索




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