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Evolution of ERP Systems Implementation in Taiwan-Four Surveys in Ten Years
ERP 系統於台灣企業應用之十年演化研究--四次ERP調查
作者 蔡文賢陳德釗李雅芬林欣瑾 (Sin-Jin Lin)張耀中李秀梨
過去以資訊系統服務品質為主的相關研究大多著重在網站品質的研究上,少有對於軟體即服務(Software as a Service, SaaS)之服務品質進行研究,因此本研究採用Alexander et al.(2012) 所整理提出的SaaS-Qual 量表來衡量雲端ERP 系統之服務品質,並結合「期望確認理論」(Expectation Confirmation Theory, ECT),來探討雲端ERP 系統之服務品質,對使用者滿意度與持續使用意向的影響,以讓此理論應用在雲端運算的情境上更臻完整。本研究以使用雲端ERP 系統超過三個月之企業客戶為研究對象,共回收 143 份有效問卷,並使用 PLS 進行統計分析,結果顯示多數假說均受到支持。本研究有以下發現:(1)「雲端ERP 服務品質」對於「確認程度」有正向顯著的影響;(2)「確認程度」對於「知覺有用性」有正向顯著的影響;(3)「確認程度」對「滿意度」無正向顯著的影響;(4)「雲端ERP 服務品質」對「滿意度」及「信任」有正向顯著的影響;(5)「知覺有用性」及「信任」對於「滿意度」有正向顯著的影響;(6)「知覺有用性」、「信任」及「滿意度」對「雲端ERP 持續使用」有正向顯著的影響。並根據研究結果,提出管理意涵及實務建議業者參考。
Prior studies of service quality about information system were mostly focused on the quality of websites. There were few studies about service quality of SaaS. Therefore, this study adopts the SaaS-Qual scale from Alexander et al. (2012); combined with Expectation Confirmation Theory (ECT) to develop a research model that examines important factors affecting continuing use of cloud ERP system. We extended the variables of ECT to better explain the satisfaction and continuing use of cloud ERP system under cloud computing context. With corporate users continuing use of cloud ERP system for more than 3 months in Taiwan as research subjects, data analysis is conducted via PLS statistical analysis, with 143 valid questionnaires returned. This study concludes six main results with using cloud ERP system, including: (1) Perceived service quality of cloud ERP is positively related to the extent of expectation confirmation. (2) Extent of expectation confirmation positively affects the perceived usefulness of cloud ERP. (3) Extent of expectation confirmation is not positively related to the extent of satisfaction. (4) Perceived service quality of cloud ERP positively affects the extent of satisfaction and trust of cloud ERP. (5) Perceived usefulness of cloud ERP and trust positively affect the extent of satisfaction. Finally, Perceived usefulness, trust and satisfaction all positively affect the extent of continuous usage intention of cloud ERP. On the whole, most of hypotheses were supported. Implications and practical suggests are also provided.
起訖頁 159-193
關鍵詞 企業資源規劃導入長期演化研究創新擴散理論ERP生命週期Enterprise resource planning implementationERPLongitudinal studyInnovation diffusion theoryERP life cycle
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201306 (15:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-下一篇 雲端ERP系統服務品質與持續使用意圖之研究




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