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Analysis of Motivations on ihergo’s Online Group Buying Community
作者 陳志萍王薇婷
線上合購網站在國內外曾掀起一陣熱潮,卻皆因經營不善而倒閉。近年來,這股熱潮在台灣捲土重來,尤其是2007 年創立的愛合購(ihergo),將「社群」的概念帶進線上合購的經營模式中,集結眾人的力量爭取對廠商議價的能力,成為現今最夯的線上購物團體。根據以往文獻發現,學者們將「價格」視為消費者參與線上合購的主因,然而近來有些學者認為除了價格之外,應仍有一些潛藏的動機尚未被發掘,此乃引發本研究探索之關鍵。研究結果發現,線上合購社群之參與動機主要分為:價格與便利導向、附加價值導向、共同目標與歸屬感導向、成就感導向。因此,研究建議相關業者或學術人員應正視線上合購社群之參與動機不再只有「價格」單一因素主導其社群成員消費行為。
Online group-buying websites had ever been popular both at home and abroad, but they were eventually closed down by their poor operations. In recent years, the rage has come back again --"ihergo"--which founded in 2007 in Taiwan, bringing the concept of "community" into its business model. According to previous literature, scholars regarded "price" as the main reason why consumers took part in online group buying. However, more and more phenomena are showing that the processes of online group buying, such as qualification, product choosing and norms simply cause from group decision-making. For those reasons, we argued that there must be some potential motivations that have not been revealed. Therefore, this study aims to explore what motivations emerge on ihergo’s online group buying community. Finally, the results found that motivations can be mainly divided into four genres: price and convenience-driven, additional value-driven, common goals, and affiliation-driven and achievement-driven. This study suggests that the relevant industries or academic staffs should notice the price is no longer to see as a participation motivation single factor on consumer behavior of the online group buying community members.
起訖頁 493-512
關鍵詞 線上合購社群價格與便利導向附加價值導向共同目標與歸屬感導向成就感導向Online group buying communityPrice and convenience-drivenAdditional value-drivenCommon goals and affiliation-drivenAchievement-driven
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201209 (14:3期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 應用於網路銀行交易確認的簡訊單次密碼機制
該期刊-下一篇 飲食保健推薦機制之設計與實作--以中國飲食療法為例




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