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Transaction Confirmation with Short Message Service-One Time Password Scheme for Internet Banking
作者 黃景彰許義昌蔡景乘
為了確保網路銀行之交易安全, 限單次使用的交易密碼〔簡稱OTP(One-Time Password)〕已經是被廣泛使用的方法。OTP 可以由使用者擁有的密碼產生器(Passcode-Generation Token)來產生,或是由系統端以簡訊的方式傳送給使用者。經常造成使用者不方便的一個情形是輸入時按錯了按鍵,這種情形,傳輸到網路銀行系統端的OTP 會被判定為錯誤;如果錯誤的次數達到規定的限制,系統會暫停該使用者帳號的權限,使用者必須攜帶身分證件親赴銀行的服務據點,才能解除帳號權限的鎖定。錯誤輸入的OTP,與正確的OTP 一般而言差異很小,攻擊者可能由竊聽或側錄的OTP 經過一些猜測及修正後,成功的入侵網路銀行系統。本研究以簡訊傳送OTP 的機制為基礎,提出一個改進的機制,包含以下特點:(1) 用戶端的裝置先計算出使用者登錄在系統端的手機號碼並顯示於用戶端的螢幕上,提供使用者目視判斷以確認系統端的真實性;(2) 若使用者判斷顯示的手機號碼為正確,則用戶端裝置要求使用者輸入OTP 並進行驗證,只有經用戶端驗證為正確的OTP 才會傳送給系統端。所以,本研究提出的改進機制,可以提昇使用者的方便性,也可以讓使用者確認系統端不是假冒的網站;另外,若系統端接收到不正確的OTP,則可以推論遭到入侵者之攻擊,而對傳回OTP 的來源採取防禦措施。
One-Time Password (OTP) is widely used to ensure transaction security in internet banking. The OTP is generated by a Passcode-Generation Token in the possession of the user, or is generated on the system side and then is sent as a short message to the user. The user must enter the OTP and send it back to the system for confirmation. One scenario that often causes user inconvenience is that the user carelessly inputs an incorrect OTP which would result in a rejected transaction request. After a given number of rejections, the system will suspend account access, requiring the user to present identification documents in person to the bank to restore access privileges. The differences between correct and incorrect OTP inputs are usually small, and attackers can potentially eavesdrop on OTP inputs and, through speculation and trial-and-error, successfully attack the system. This study proposes an improved OTP scheme that utilizes short message service. The proposed scheme has the following new features: (1) The client device computes the user’s registered mobile phone number and displays it on the device’s screen for inspection by the user to ensure the system is authentic. (2)After the displayed phone number is verified as correct, the user input the OTP which he received on his mobile phone. Next, the input OTP is verified by the client device and only a correct OTP input is transmitted to the system side. This proposed scheme not only offers the user greater convenience but also allows users to verify that the system side is not an imposter. In addition, if the system receives an incorrect OTP, the system can assume it is under attack and take defensive measures.
起訖頁 471-492
關鍵詞 網路銀行交易確認簡訊單次密碼Internet bankingAuthenticationShort message serviceOne-time password
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201209 (14:3期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 以代理人及網路供餵技術支援非同步式網路互動及建構電子商務應用
該期刊-下一篇 愛合購之線上合購社群參與動機研究分析




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