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The Mediating Effects of Internet Information Overload on Internet Shopping Decision
作者 張愛華曾忠蕙黃育盈
本研究從決策的觀點,探討虛擬網路環境中網路資訊超載對消費者線上購物決策的影響。本研究提出一資訊超載中介影響模型,探討方案選擇數與產品屬性水準數所構成的資訊結構的前置影響、資訊超載的中介角色、時間限制下的情緒反應與網路使用經驗對資訊超載的影響、以及資訊超載對決策正確性與決策信心的影響。本研究採實驗設計,並模擬網路購物情境。結果發現:(1) 資訊超載會受到方案選擇數、情緒反應、網路使用多寡所影響。(2) 資訊超載對決策正確性與決策信心皆有負向影響。(3) 資訊超載對資訊結構的方案選擇數與決策正確性間產生部份中介影響。(4) 資訊超載對情緒反應與決策信心間產生中介影響。(5) 資訊超載在網路使用多寡與決策信心間產生中介影響。
The main purpose of this research focuses on the effect of information overload on internet from a decision perspective. This study proposes a model of information overload, including number of alternatives, number of product attribute level, emotion and internet use, information overload, decision accuracy and decision confidence on internet shopping. Experimental design is adopted, and a situation of virtual internet shopping is designed to examine the effect of information overload. Findings are summarized as below. (1) The degree of information overload is influenced by number of alternatives, emotion and internet use. (2)Degree of information overload has a negative effect on decision accuracy and confidence. (3)Degree of information overload plays a partial mediating role between number of alternatives in information structure and decision accuracy. (4)Degree of information overload makes a mediating effect between emotion and decision confidence. (5)Degree of Information overload mediates the relationship between internet use and decision confidence.
起訖頁 411-440
關鍵詞 決策正確性決策信心資訊超載資訊結構Decision accuracyDecision confidenceInformation overloadInformation structure
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201209 (14:3期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 網路品牌個性知覺定位分析探究
該期刊-下一篇 以代理人及網路供餵技術支援非同步式網路互動及建構電子商務應用




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