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A Study of Online Brand Personality: Positioning and Analysis
作者 江義平林志穎
近年來許多網路公司如Google、eBay 等紛紛成功崛起,網路品牌已經漸漸形成一股不可小覷的力量,但是過去對網路品牌之深入研究卻仍顯不足。因此本研究旨在歸納網路品牌的特性及其組成要素,以找出適用於描述網路品牌的品牌個性,並萃取出品牌個性的衡量構面;其次,探究各網路品牌之品牌個性組合分布;最後,依據品牌個性組合之分布異同,探討各網路品牌之間競合關係。本研究以21 個台灣網路知名品牌為研究對象,透過探索性因素分析找出網路品牌個性之構面組合,再以多元尺度法描繪與分析各網路品牌之品牌個性組合分布狀況。實證研究獲致下列研究發現:(1) 網路品牌個性由信任、吸引力、分享、創新、有用性及積極等六大構面組成;(2) 21個知名網路品牌在六種品牌構面組合下,形成四個不同品牌個性組合類型的競合群體;(3) 根據各網路品牌間的品牌特性組合分布,提出網路品牌經營策略之分析與應用建議。
As Internet surges, several successful e-brands such as Google, eBay become a major force recently. However, still very few studies focus on in-depth review of e-brand personality. Thus, the purpose of this study first induces the composition of e-brand personality and find out the key factors of e-brand personality. In addition, this study tries to explore the e-brand personality for major e-brands in Taiwan, and discuss the possible competition or cooperation among these e-brands. This study analyzes 21 major e-brands to find out 6 key dimensions of e-brand personality, including trustworthiness, attraction, share, innovation, usefulness, and aggressiveness. Moreover, the result of the multidimensional scaling illustrates 4 types of e-brand personality mix among 21 major e-brands. Finally, based on 4 different type of e-brand personality mix, this study provides several in-depth discussions and implications for future e-brand management.
起訖頁 383-410
關鍵詞 網路品牌網路品牌個性多元尺度法網路行銷E-brandE-brand personalityMultidimensional scalingMDSE-marketing
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201209 (14:3期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-下一篇 資訊超載對網路購物決策之影響--中介效果之探討




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