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Exploring Green Product Consumption Intentions: The Moderating Effect of Eco-label
作者 范懿文方毓賢蔡明峰
本研究整合環保行為理論與消費者行為研究來探討綠色消費意願,並納入台灣現行的兩種環保標章(台灣綠色標章、台灣碳標籤),以問卷調查法探討: 1消費者對環保標章的覺察現況; 2影響綠色消費意願之前因; 3環保標章認知對於綠色消費意願之調節效果。本研究回收 408份有效樣本,從中挑選已認知台灣綠色標章的消費者為子樣本(N=358)進行迴歸分析以檢定假說。研究發現: 1消費者對於兩種環保標章的覺察有所差異; 2消費者具有的環保行為態度是影響綠色產品購買意願及綠色產品推薦意願的正向前因; 3消費者之環保標章認知對於環保行為態度—綠色產品推薦意願之間的關係具有正向調節效用。
This study integrates environmental behavior theory and consumer purchase decision framework to propose a research model and to explore: 1 current status of awareness of consumer toward two eco-labels (i.e., Taiwan Green Mark and Taiwan Carbon Label); 2 the determinants of green production consumption intentions; 3 the moderating effect of eco-label toward green product consumption intentions. A survey research methodology is utilized to collect a validate sample of 408 respondents. Among this sample, 358 of them have seen Taiwan Green Mark. Further regression analysis of this subsample (N=358) finds: 1. Taiwan consumers have differential awareness toward those two eco-labels; 2. the attitude toward environmental behavior is a positive determinant of both green product purchase and recommendation intentions; 3. consumer’s cognition of eco-label positively moderates the relationship between the attitude toward environmental behavior and green product recommendation intention.
起訖頁 257-280
關鍵詞 綠色消費綠色產品購買意願綠色產品推薦意願臺灣綠色標章臺灣碳標籤Green consumptionGreen product purchase intentionGreen product recommendation intentionTaiwan green markTaiwan carbon label
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201206 (14:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 臺商赴大陸投資造成臺灣產業空洞化的迷思?
該期刊-下一篇 整合雲端運算技術與服務導向架構(SOA)建構審計支援系統




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