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Designing Fast Identification Algorithm in the RFID System for Known Tag Sets
作者 蔡佳勝王昱晟
RFID is an automatic identification technology which exercises the radio frequency to retrieve the information saved in electronic tags. In a multi-tag environment, the collision problem caused by a number of tags simultaneously responding to a reading will jeopardize the speed of identification. Some scheme is necessary to reconcile the conflict and improve the reading time. A novel scheme is proposed in this paper to address this collision problem. In addition, our scheme can be trained to accelerate the identification of a subset of the known tags. Although there are similar schemes capable of achieving this function, our proposal accommodates rare presence of those tags outside the known set. In the simulation, we evaluate the performance of several tag anti-collision protocols. Specifically, we focus on the total reading time and the amount of messages required accomplishing the reading process. We observe that our scheme can effectively reduce both the reading time and the number of reading messages. In the best case, the proposed scheme saves 50% and 70% time when compared with the query tree algorithm (QTA) and binary tree algorithm (BTA) methods respectively. These improvements not only accelerate the reading speed but also save the on-board power in the reader.
起訖頁 35-51
關鍵詞 無線射頻辨識防碰撞機制電子標籤識別電子標籤碰撞Radio frequency identificationAnti-collision schemeElectronic tag identificationElectronic tag collision
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201203 (14:1期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 資訊通訊科技與地理群聚對供應鏈關係品質之研究:探討產品模組化的調節效果
該期刊-下一篇 適用於行動設備的數位權利管理系統




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