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Understanding Consumer Intentions toward Online Shopping in the Metal Industry
作者 柯秀佳王世華
With the maturity of the e-commerce environment and the increase in numbers of online shoppers, numerous physical stores have adopted the clicks-and-mortar business model. For many traditional industries, such as the metal industry, most of their customers are specialized in metal industry products. However, these customers are frequently older, lack computer experience, and have low computer self-efficacy, all of which factors may influence their acceptance of online shopping systems. This investigation focused on the metal industry. Based on the self-efficacy theory and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), this study investigated how the computer self-efficacy of professional and general consumers influenced their online shopping intentions. The research results demonstrated that performance, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and computer anxiety significantly influenced consumers' computer self-efficacy, which in turn affected their online shopping intention through their perceptions of ease of use and usefulness. Moreover, the factors which influenced on computer self-efficacy were varied between two groups of consumers, as did their perceptions of ease-of-use and usefulness. Finally, this research demonstrated that computer self-efficacy was one of the main influences on the online shopping intentions of professional consumers. The research results provide a reference for the metal industry and related traditional industries in operating e-commerce systems.
起訖頁 649-672
關鍵詞 線上購物接受意圖電腦自我效能科技接受模式五金產業Online shopping intentionComputer self-efficacyTAMMetal industry
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201109 (13:3期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 行動廣告內容、廣告價值、隱私權保護對消費者採用意願之影響
該期刊-下一篇 結合網站設計品質、設計特性與購物價值觀點探討旅遊網站消費者之購買意願




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