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A Study of Consumer Trust and Adoption for Internet Banking with TAM Perspective
作者 陳宜棻施協廷蔡家文
近年來伴隨著網際網路的快速發展,以及金融市場內外在的激烈競爭環境,各家陸續成立網路銀行及提供金融服務上網。本研究結合科技接受模式 (Technology Acceptance Model, TAM)以及信任理論,提出一個整合性的解釋模型,來驗證顧客認知的網路銀行之「加值資訊服務」、「客製化服務」、「聯盟服務」、「操作熟悉度」和「服務可及度」五個變數,為顧客對網路銀行接受度的決定因素。此外,經由996份問卷收集曾使用過網路銀行之樣本資料,並透過結構方程模式 (SEM)驗證實徵資料與理論模型之契合度。本研究結果發現顧客認知的網路銀行之加值資訊服務、聯盟服務、操作熟悉度及服務可及度,對顧客認知的使用意願成正向相關。本研究將科技接受模式應用於網路銀行領域,可提供銀行管理階層未來經營的一個思考架構,並藉此可強化網路銀行之使用者意願。
The emerging online economy in recent years has facilitated the rapid growth of e-commerce. Facing severe competition from international financial institutions, numerous domestic banks have established Internet banking to provide various kinds of online financial service for consumers. This research extended the technology acceptance model (TAM) by introducing trust concept into a theoretical model. Based on TAM and trust theory, this study investigates the daterminants of user’s acceptance of Internet banking, including value information service, personalization service, alliance service, task familiarity, and accessibility. An online survey was administered to a sample of 996 respondents. Structural equation models (SEM) were used to examine hypotheses in the theoretical framework. The study showed that value information service, alliance service, task familiarity, and accessibility are positively related to consumer intentions for adopting Internet banking. This study concludes by discussing the practical implications of this work, along with some possible future research directions.
起訖頁 775-801
關鍵詞 網路銀行科技接受模式信任結構方程模式Internet bankingTechnology acceptance modelTrustSEM
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201012 (12:4期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 行動商務便利性與知覺風險對行為意圖之影響:以行動電話為例




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