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The Impacts of Mobile Commerce Convenience and Perceived Risk on Behavioral Intentions: Based on the Mobile Telephone
作者 劉財龍
To bridge the gap of past studies, the purpose of this research was to explore how impacts of mobile telephone’s mobile commerce convenience and perceived risk on behavioral intentions, and how moderate effects of perceived risk on mobile commerce convenience and behavioral intention. This research adopts random sampling and collects questionnaires survey from Taiwan top five mobile commerce communication companies’ customers. After the confirmation of modificatory questionnaires, in the phase of formal study, this research sends questionnaires to 1214 customers, 464 non-respondents, totally 750 respondents of sample have been collected. By implementing the multiple regression analysis to verify each hypothesis, this research found that mobile commerce convenience (i.e. time convenience, coverage convenience, using convenience, transaction convenience and benefit convenience) has significantly positive effect on loyalty and willingness to pay more, but has significantly negative effect on propensity to switch. Perceived risk (i.e. financial risk, functional risk) has significantly negative effect on loyalty and willingness to pay more, but has significantly positive effect on propensity to switch. The moderate effect of perceived risk (i.e. financial risk, functional risk) reduces the relationship between mobile commerce convenience and behavioral intentions (i.e. loyalty, willingness to pay more) and increases the relationship between mobile commerce convenience and behavioral intentions (e.g. propensity to switch). Finally, based management implications of the research findings, some suggestions were discussed.
起訖頁 739-773
關鍵詞 行動商務便利性知覺風險行為意圖行動電話Mobile commerce conveniencePerceived riskBehavioral intentionsMobile telephone
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201012 (12:4期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 An Investigation of Web Features in Different Web Adoption Levels for E-Travel Agencies: A Content Analysis Approach
該期刊-下一篇 以TAM觀點探討消費者對網路銀行之信任與使用意願之研究




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