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Hybrid Mining Model of Rule Induction Based Adaptive Fuzzy Apriori - ANN Algorithm to Predict the Least Risk Investor Trading in Stock Market
作者 Bhuvaneswari, S. (Bhuvaneswari, S.)Meena, K. (Meena, K.)
This paper illustrates a conceptual frame work for evaluating the impact of contemporary information systems mainly on business events. In the process of developing new data mining techniques and software to aid in efficient business solutions, we propose an 'efficient information system' that hybrids a tool of data mining incorporating rule induction on crisp database which is then transformed into a fuzzy dataset on which sampling theory based Apriori algorithm creates all possible association rules which are finally calibrated using a single layer feed forward rule based artificial neural network to make suggestive predictions and hence decisions. This model is hybrid to serve the aim of designing system architecture highly intelligent in both system side features and in applicatory aspects. The system design is worked on an example case to deal with the customer side risk management in the area of investment in the stock market.
起訖頁 333-352
關鍵詞 資料挖礦企業應用領域Crisp資料庫規則歸納模糊資料庫適應性模糊Apriori演算法人工類神經網路Data miningBusiness application domainCrisp databaseRule inductionFuzzy databaseAdaptive-fuzzy-apriori algorithmArtificial neural network
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201009 (12:3期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-下一篇 PATAS:個人化適應性翻譯輔助系統之設計與實現




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