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A Study of Project Management Maturity Model for Lifelong Learning Program
作者 許秀影張耀鴻曾逸文
行政院於94年起推動「健康社區六星計畫」,其中「社區教育學習體系」之全民終身教育的推動,是我國邁向開發國家不可缺少的一部份,使終身學習打破「學習限於學校」的觀念,以建構出終身學習的最終願景。 本研究以社區教育學習體系推行組織為例,使用國際專案管理學會的組織專案管理成熟度模式,協助組織了解專案管理成熟度,透過此模式使組織瞭解目前的成熟度狀況,進而找出組織需加強改善之處,並依據評鑑結果訂定改善計畫,幫助組織持續改進以提升社區教育學習體系計畫的品質。 評鑑結果顯示個案之計畫管理整體成熟度、計畫管理標準化項、計畫管理測量項、專案管理標準化項、專案管理測量項、專案管理控制化項數值尚可,惟計畫管理控制化項、計畫管理持續改進項、專案管理持續改進項、組織促動因素數值相對偏低。由此可知,「持續改進」為提升個案組織推動社區教育學習體系計畫的重要關鍵,若個案組織能依循本研究之改善計畫進行檢討與改進,將使專案管理模式更加成熟,更能提高專案成功的機會。
The Executive Yuan planned the six stars project for Taiwan healthy community to improve the quality of society and community self-sufficiency in 2005. Which contains "Com-munity lifelong learning program". This program is an important part of our country, which means breaking from previous conceptions of the learning in school, providing opportunities of learning and lifelong learning to people. This study adopt Project Management Institute's project management maturity model to assess project management maturity. The organization can realize the maturity of program management by applying OPM3. Life-long learning program can be continuous improved by finding out the defect of this organization and build up improvement plan. The results of assessment show that program management maturity, standard, measure and control are acceptable. Besides, program control management, program management improvement, program improvement, organizational enabler are comparatively lower. From this "continuous improvement" to raise the cases of organizations in carrying out community education program the key to learning systems. The case organization will be able to increase the probability of program success if it can continuous improve according to the improvement plan.
起訖頁 317-332
關鍵詞 社區教育學習體系專案管理組織專案管理成熟度模式Lifelong learning programProject managementOPM3
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201006 (12:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 The Relationship between Critical Success Factors(CSFs) and Performance of ERP Systems Implementation - View of Implementation Phases




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