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Investigation of the Influences of ERP Vendor and Consultant on ERP Performance
作者 蔡文賢周煜為李坤璋林秀玲郭小喬徐瑞玲
成功的ERP專案通常會耗費大量資金與需要較長的導入時間。ERP專案失敗將對企業造成極大傷害,甚至使公司面臨破產窘境。欲成功地導入與使用ERP系統,選取適當的供應商與套裝軟體以配合組織資訊需求與流程是相當重要的因素。企業通常是雇用外部顧問以確保能成功地導入ERP系統,但顧問選取是一項相當困難的工作。有鑑於此,本研究之目的為探討影響對顧問與供應商滿意度以及服務品質的因素,並探討其對ERP績效的影響。本研究得到如下之研究發現: (1)國外供應商的服務品質優於國內供應商提供之服務品質。 (2)國外供應商提供之顧問有較佳之服務品質。 (3)影響對供應商服務滿意度因素有市場地位、供應商品牌商譽、以及供應商國際化能力。 (4)影響顧問服務滿意度因素有顧問類型(是否由系統供應商提供顧問)、類似產業的導入經驗、以及導入後支援。 (5)會被顧問服務品質或對供應商服務滿意度影響的ERP績效構面為:服務品質、資訊品質、使用者滿意度以及對個人的影響。
A successful Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) project is usually costly and takes a long time to implement. ERP project's failure will lead to damage of company; an unsuccessful ERP project may cause company's bankruptcy. Selecting the appropriate vendor and the ERP package software that best matches the organizational information needs and processes is crucial for successful ERP implementation and use. Besides, enterprises usually use outside consultants to ensure a successful ERP project but consultant selection is also a difficult task in ERP implementation. In view of this, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors that affect the satisfaction on vendors' and consultant's services and the service quality of vendors and consultants. We also investigate whether the satisfaction on vendors' and consultant's services and the service quality of vendors and consultants will affect ERP performance or not. We have the following research findings: (1) The service quality provided by foreign vendors is much better than domestic vendors. (2) Consultants from foreign vendors provide better 'service quality' than domestic vendors'. (3) The factors that will affect the satisfaction on vendor's service are market position, brand goodwill of vendor, and internationalization capability of vendors. (4) The factors that will affect the satisfaction on consultants' service are consultants' type (provided by vendors or not), consultants' implementation experience in similar industries, and consultants' post-implementation supports. (5) Furthermore, system quality, information quality, user satisfaction, and individual impact will be affected by consultants' service quality or the satisfaction on vendors' service.
起訖頁 287-296
關鍵詞 服務品質服務滿意度ERP績效ERPService qualityService satisfactionERP performance
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201006 (12:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 機械業企業資源規劃與自動倉儲系統整合之個案研究
該期刊-下一篇 The Relationship between Critical Success Factors(CSFs) and Performance of ERP Systems Implementation - View of Implementation Phases




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