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An Empirical Study of Bloggers' Continuous Usage in Blogs: Prospects from an Integrated Model of ECT, TAM and Personal Factors
作者 蕭文龍郭庭伊
本研究主要是在探討部落客持續使用行為,在過去「部落格」相關文獻中,多是談論部落格功能特性,較少研究探討部落客本身的因素,因此,本研究以「期望確認理論」與「科技接受模式」為基礎,結合部落客個人因素以探討部落客持續使用部落格的行為。 本研究針對仍繼續使用的部落客為主,透過網路的形式回收問卷。樣本回收方面,實際回收樣本427份、有效樣本361份,分析工具主要是使用LISREL進行結構方程模型的測量與結構模式的分析,(1)本研究結果發現確認程度對認知有用性沒有顯著之影響但對認知易用性與滿意度具有正向顯著之影響;(2)認知有用性對滿意度沒有顯著之影響但認知易用性對滿意度具有正向顯著之影響;(3)認知有用性與認知易用性對持續使用意圖沒有顯著之影響;(4)滿意度對持續使用意圖具有正向顯著之影響;(5)友誼關係對持續使用意圖沒有顯著之影響但使用者涉入對持續使用意圖具有正向顯著之影響;(6)友誼關係與使用者涉入對滿意度均具有正向顯著之影響;(7)友誼關係與認知易用性對認知有用性具有正向顯著之影響。最後,依據研究結果除了提供討論意見外,更提供部落格服務供應商實務上的建議。
The purpose of this paper is to investigate continuance use of Blogger. In the past, ECT and TAM were well known theories to predict continuance behavior. But there are few researches that focus on the Blogger's personality. The researchers integrated Expectation Confirmation Theory (ECT) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with personal factors to realize the continuance behavior of Bloggers'. With 361 valid samples of 430 questionnaires returned, the data analysis is conducted via LISREL program. There are seven results including: (1)Expectation Confirmation has no effect on the extent of perceived usefulness, but has positive effect on the extent of perceived ease of use and satisfaction, (2)Perceived usefulness has no effect on the extent of satisfaction, but perceived ease of use has positive effect on the extent of satisfaction, (3)perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use has no effect on the extent of IS continuance intention, (4)Satisfaction has positive effect on the extent of IS continuance, (5)Friendship has no effect on the extent of IS continuance, but User Involvement has positive effect on the extent of IS satisfaction, (6)Friendship and User involvement has all positive effect on the extent of Satisfaction, and (7)Friendship and Perceived ease of use has all positive effect on the extent of Perceived usefulness. Finally, the results and implications for Blog service providers are discussed.
起訖頁 221-249
關鍵詞 期望確認理論科技接受模式個人因素友誼關係使用者涉入BloggerExpectation confirmation theoryTechnology acceptance modelPersonal factorsFriendshipUser involvement
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201006 (12:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 部落格行銷中的信任形成因素
該期刊-下一篇 改良屬性導向歸納法(AOI)挖掘多值(Multi-Values)屬性資料演算法之研究




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