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The Factor of Trust in Blog Marketing
作者 李小梅黃世儒
消費者對業者所使用的行銷手法漸顯疲態,人們抗拒官方、正式的操作,使部落格成為另一行銷管道。本研究以Jarvenpaa et al.(2000)提出之消費者在線上商店的信任模型為基礎,探討信任前因,並瞭解其對消費者態度和知覺風險的影響。並根據Hassanein and Head(2007)及Kuan and Bock(2007)等學者對信任前因的論點,探討部落格網站知覺的社會臨場感和口碑對信任的影響。 本研究以國人自創品牌PlaiN於無名小站架設之部落格為研究對象,針對已知且曾瀏覽過PlaiN部落格的消費者做研究,採網路問卷,有效問卷為205份。本研究驗證名聲、社會臨場感及口碑對形成消費者信任、信任對降低消費者知覺風險和增加購買意願及知覺風險的降低對於消費者購買的態度均有正向且顯著的影響。
Due to absence of trust and tediousness of marketing cliches, blog has become a brand new marketing channel. The study has adapted the model of Jarvenpaa et al. (2000) regarding to the trust in online store. In addition, according to Hassanein and Head's (2007) and Kuan and Bock's (2007) research, this research also discussed the effect of reputation, social presence, and word of mouth toward trust in blog marketing. This research has aimed the customers who have known and visited the PlaiN's Blog. The research adopted Internet as a media for questionnaire survey. Total 235 questionnaires were collected, and among them, 205 are valid. The result has demonstrated that reputation, social presence, and word-of-mouth have positive and significant influence on trust. Trust has a positive and significant influence on reducing perceived risk and enhancing attitude. Reducing of perceived risk has a positive and significant influence on attitude.
起訖頁 201-220
關鍵詞 部落格行銷信任社會臨場感名聲口碑Blog marketingTrustReputationSocial presenceWord-of-mouth
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201006 (12:2期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-下一篇 部落客持續使用部落格之研究:以整合期望確認、科技接受模式和個人因素觀點探討




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