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A Guideline and Case Study for Supply Chain Collaborative Operation Model
作者 呂執中陳平舜傅翰祺林宜靜
供應鏈管理隨著資訊透明化以及國際市場的興起而被業界逐漸重視,而其中協同供應鏈管理為近年被廣泛討論的議題。然而在企業實際導入以及運用上,受限於問題的切入角度、探討重點以及導入專案深度的不同,造成在實際應用與推動上產生不少差異。對於管理供應鏈的決策者而言,隨著影響問題的範疇從組織階層擴大到全球運籌管理,其解決問題的方式也越顯棘手。本研究針對目前產業常見之問題,建構出一套一般性之供應鏈協同參考指引,以供應鏈參考模式(Supply Chain Operations Reference model, SCOR model)的架構為基礎,利用SCOR Levels 1到3為標準,讓企業繪出供應鏈流程,並結合限制理論(Theory of Constraints, TOC)流程思考的工具運用,找出供應鏈管理真正問題癥結,再輔以資訊系統(Information Technology, IT)來協助改善企業體質,提供業界推動供應鏈協同作業模式之系統化步驟。最後,並以一案例說明模式之可行性。
Facing the raising international competitiveness, collaborative supply chain management becomes an emerging issue that is widely discussed. Due to variation in different project characteristics and various alternatives that can be adopted, the differences between the practical application and project goal are significant. Furthermore, when it comes to the global logistics management, the decision issues are so complicated that are very difficult to deal with. This research proposes a collaborative supply chain guideline focusing on general industrial problems. The guideline is based on supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model, addressed by supply chain council (SCC), and combines with TOC Logistic-Tree to identify core problems in companies. Information technology (IT) is applied to integrate the proposed guideline to assist the implementation process. Finally, a case study is presented to demonstrate the feasibility of proposed guideline.
起訖頁 941-962
關鍵詞 供應鏈參考模式限制理論供應鏈協同SCORTOCSupply chain operations reference modelTOC logistic-treeSupply chain collaboration
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200812 (10:4期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 A Holistic Perspective on the Performance Implications of Strategic Alignment in Knowledge Management
該期刊-下一篇 User Acceptance of E-learning System: A Self-Directed Learning Perspective




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