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A Holistic Perspective on the Performance Implications of Strategic Alignment in Knowledge Management
作者 孫思源
Recently, the importance of the information technology (IT) for effective knowledge management (KM) activities has been noted. The match of IT and KM is an important concern for executives. However, their efforts do not always yield positive organizational outcome since enough exceptions indicate that knowledge management strategy and human resource management (HRM) strategy are interdependent that must be integrated with IT as a whole. Consequently, a linkage of effective IT strategy and KM strategy that are consistent with HRM strategy is the key to reduced costs, which in turn, will achieve a higher performance. Drawing on the concept of strategic alignment, this study proposes a KM strategic alignment model within which KM strategy, IT strategy, and HRM strategy, coexist. Survey research method is employed in this study. Empirical data for hypotheses testing are collected from top-ranking companies in Taiwan, yielding 161 valid samples. Performance implications of strategic alignment are examined using covariation and profile deviation approaches. The results suggest that strategic alignment among these three strategies contributes to business performance. Based on the research results, meaningful findings and conclusions are described and suggestions for future research are proposed.
起訖頁 909-939
關鍵詞 策略配適知識管理策略資訊科技策略人力資源管理策略Strategic alignmentKnowledge management strategyInformation technology strategyHuman resource management strategy
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200812 (10:4期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 A Study on the Knowledge Sharing Behavior on Blogs and Forums
該期刊-下一篇 供應鏈協同作業模式應用與個案研究




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