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Development of a Network-based Learning Support System with Self-adapting Ability
作者 黃國禎朱蕙君 (Hui-Chun Chu)曾秋蓉黃國豪 (Gwo-Haur Hwang)黃繼緯林農堯
The popularity of the Internet has facilitated the derivation of information, which encourages the development of on-line learning systems. Nevertheless, most of the existing e-learning systems are not capable of assisting students while they encounter problems during the learning process; instead, they only simply provide subject materials for browsing. Therefore, students are likely to be stuck by some problems, and hence their learning performances could be significantly affected. For a popular on-line course with thousands of students, it is almost impossible for the teachers or the teaching assistants to answer all the students’ questions manually, which is not only inefficient, but also human recourse-consuming. To cope with this problem, in this paper, we present a self-adaptive virtual tutoring assistant system, which is able to answer students’ questions automatically based on the answers given by the teacher. Moreover, the system is able to accept the students’ feedbacks and adjust the weights of keywords for each candidate answer, and hence more accurate answers can be provided in the future. Experimental results have shown that, the system can provide more accurate answers by employing the self-adjusting approach. Moreover, as such systems offer student question-answering service 24 hours a day, learning performance of the students can be improved by reducing their discouragements during the learning process in time.
起訖頁 599-623
關鍵詞 網路學習客戶服務電腦輔助學習網路化教育訓練Web-based learningCustom serviceComputer-assisted learningE-training關鍵詞擷取斷詞演算法自動回覆類神經網路
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200709 (9:3期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 消費者對行動加值服務之付費意願




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