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Using Organizational Information Processing Theory to Examine the Supplier Benefits from Inter-organizational Systems
作者 何靖遠莊木林
在產業供應鏈中供應商導入跨組織資訊系統 (IOS) 多半是為了配合中心廠的要求,對於供應商的導入效益較少實徵研究探討。我們以組織資訊處理理論為基礎,探討IOS導入後對供應商績效的影響。本研究主張供應商的整體利益是透過跨組織協調的改善和跨組織效率的提升等中間利益所達到,並檢驗包括組織相依程度、客戶獨特性、資料品質、連線後時間長度、IOS的類型、和連線方式等六項前置因素對中間利益和整體利益的影響。因徑分析等的結果發現,實徵資料顯示組織相依程度、客戶獨特性、資料品質和連線後時間長度等會正向影響中間利益,進而影響供應商的整體利益。
While prior studies of inter-organizational systems (IOS) in SCM have examined the benefits of network leaders from these systems, little attention has been paid to the benefits to suppliers that mostly are introducing the systems upon the request from their customers. This study examines the benefits of IOS to suppliers firms based on the organizational information processing theory (OIPT). Accordingly we propose that the overall benefits to the vendors can be achieved through the intermediate benefits of inter-organizational coordination improvements and efficiency enhancements. We also examine six antecedents that might affect the intermediate benefits and overall benefits, including interdependence, uniqueness, data quality, time elapsed since implementation, IOS type, and connection mode. Empirical data show that interdependence, uniqueness of customer requirements, data quality, and time elapsed since implementation have positive effects on the intermediate benefits, and in turn affect the overall benefits of suppliers.
起訖頁 177-204
關鍵詞 跨組織資訊系統組織資訊處理理論供應鏈管理Inter-organizational systemOrganizational information processing theoryOIPTSupply chain management
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200703 (9:1期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 Green Supplier Selection and Assessment in GSCM Using Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) for Information and Electronic Industry




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