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Green Supplier Selection and Assessment in GSCM Using Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) for Information and Electronic Industry
作者 邱城英王博引陳慧秋葉春淵
台灣的資訊電子產業在全球工業供應鏈體系中,扮演產品代工生產階段 (OEM/ODM) 的重要角色。近幾年來,歐盟實施的廢電子電機設備 (WEEE) 及電子電機設 備中危害物質限制 (RoHS) 兩大環保指令,對國內的資訊電子產業影響最大。因此,很多的資訊電子代工廠商積極輔導其供應商實行綠色供應鏈管理,以成就更好的環境績效。有鑑於此,本研究根據相關文獻及透過學者及此產業專家問卷,藉由二個不同層面的考量,而獲得較客觀的篩選方法。最後,共彙總出六個構面及二十四個綠色供應鏈中綠色供應商之評估準則。再經由層級分析法,決定各評估準則之權重,並建立綠色供應商之評選模式,以幫助此產業選擇其最適合之綠色供應夥伴。
Taiwan plays a very important role in the production and outsourcing for the OEMs and ODMs in the global supply chain system of the information and electronic industry. In the recent few years, two of the most important environmental protection directives of WEEE, and RoHS in the European Union have greatly influenced the information and electronic industry. Therefore, many OEMs/ODMs want to help their suppliers to achieve a better environmental performance in supply chains. This study focuses on green supplier selection and assessment in green supply chain management (GSCM) through various criteria and sub-criteria from literature reviews and Delphi experts' opinions, and then uses the AHP method to set up a green supplier rating system that can be applied to the information and electronic industry of Taiwan. Furthermore, this study can provide the evaluation model with the industry in implementing the best GSCM practices. The research results indicate that the supply chain base such as cost, quality, delivery schedule, and service performance is the most critical assessment criteria in the green supplier selection. Green material selection, ISO-14001 certification, and suppliers' credit problems are also main evaluation sub-criteria. The internal management system also plays an important factor because the authorization by top management affects the willingness to get involved in the GSCM.
起訖頁 147-176
關鍵詞 資訊電子產業綠色供應商評選綠色供應鏈管理專家意見層級分析法Information and electronic industryGreen supplier selection and assessmentGreen supply chain managementGSCMExperts' opinionsAnalytic hierarchy processAHP
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 200703 (9:1期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 以資訊策略規劃觀點評析--一個成衣產業導入SAP R/ 3的個案
該期刊-下一篇 以資訊處理理論探討跨組織資訊系統對供應商績效的影響




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